Will God help me even if I don't go to Church?!

Question: Will God help me even if I don't go to Church!?
I believe in God and I love him!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes God will help you even if you dont go to church!. I never go to church except for christmas with my family but i talk to him when i need him and he will help me!. trust meWww@Answer-Health@Com

Yes!. God helps event he people that don't believe in him!. But the help that he is going to give you might not be want you call help!. He is going to point you in his direction!. God never said anything about you have to go to church to be saved!. Church is not a building either!. It's the people that make the church!. But he did say that being with other believers helps you grow in your faith!. There is a verse in the new testament that says, "Even the demons believe in God and disown him!." So you have give your life to him if you want to see any change in your life!. I hope this helps If you want to talk more about this e-mail me or talk to a pastor or youth leader or someone your age that know God!. I hope this helps!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

There are many faiths that would say God loves and will help you unconditionally!. Other faiths say that God loves and will help you only if you follow his, sometimes, strict rules!. What do you think God is like!? Choose a faith that reflects your feelings about God!. For instance, if you're a Unitarian, the answer to your question is probably, "Yes!."Www@Answer-Health@Com

all you have to do is pray and ask!.
Turn your heart, mind and soul over to him!.
He will take care of you!.
Then start going to church when you can!.
Develop a relationship,
Read your Bible!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i doubt it, but i'm an athiest and dont believe he even exists!. you may want to repost this in R&S section, you will get lots of reassurances there!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes!. As long as you pray and ask for forgiveness!. :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

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