Can someone help me feel better? I'm miserable?!

Question: Can someone help me feel better!? I'm miserable!?
Someone stole my laptop at my party a few days ago!. I don't really have enough money to buy another!.!.!.and I am going back to college next month!. All my music and pictures are GONE!.!.!.and those are like my life!. I try to look on the brightside!.!.!.but it's hard because my most prized possesion is gone!.!.!.!.Ever since this happened I have been stressing to the point I'm starting to gain weight because I am not following my diet and workout plan that was going well before my laptop was stolen!. I don't know what to do!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Wow, you're lucky if that's what's making you depressed!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Isn't it awful when people steal!? Sometimes it really just kills me that people can do that knowing someone has worked hard to pay for it!.

Anyway, I would suggest looking into a finance program in getting a new laptop!. Apple offers a credit card option where if you qualify, you can make monthly payments!. (can't remember how much interest)!.

Best Buy also offers a finance program!. You can also check into ebay or craigslist to find great deals on laptops!.

I'm really sorry for what happened to you :(Www@Answer-Health@Com

I can't imagine being in your shoes!. Therapy is what has worked w me during some of the worst days of my life!., like when I placed my daughter for adoption, (which was 12 years ago)!. Now I go to theapy because my husband is deployed for the 3rd time (we are military)!. I have been lucky enough to find good therepist during these events and they were able to help me because they are objective and help you to figure out what you can do to recover from the loss of the memories that were on your computer!.

Also see if anyone that u ever e-mailed pics too still has them!. Maybe that way they can print them out for you and that might help!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

That's awful it got stolen, it happened to me a year ago!. You're lucky you are able to go to college!. This may not help much but I have student insurance that covers my laptop, cell phone and other 'stuff'!. You wont get your pictures back but at least the cost to replace the computer will be covered in the future!. Check out NSSINC!.COM!. It's very affordable!. I don't work for them or represent them, I'm just a poor college student like you!. Someone else referred me to this site when I left for college!. Good Luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I know its hard to look on the bright side, but try to think that it could be God's way of giving you a fresh start!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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