I'm so scared of moving out?!

Question: I'm so scared of moving out!?
I decided to move out to the city and work for 1 year!.I'll be coming home every week but still I'm so ******* scared and I have panic attacks and anxiety!.I used to have social phobia and it's very hard for me!.I'm moving out in october!.Any ideas how to stop being so scared!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

It's just fear of the unknown!.

You sound very independent -- that's probably why you made your decision to move!. Just take that giant step even though it may be hard at first!. In the long run, you will be glad you did!. Once you get the hang of things you will be amazed at the freedom it brings!.

To take your mind off of being scared, think about how you are going to decorate your new place!. Think about the first time you have your friends over -- all of the good times you will have!.

Just be sure you are safe!. Know your neighborhood and be aware of your surroundings!. If you celebrate the holidays, think of how you might decorate!. Think of all the things you like to do and realize that you will be doing them in your new place!.

I think you will be better for the experience and it only natural to be nervous!. I think it was Eleanor Roosevelt that said "you must do the thing you think you cannot do!."

Good luck


So am i, but I realized I no longer want to live under anyone's roof and under anyone's rules, so I see my personal relocation as an opportunity and a challenge to be independent!.

I'm actually a working non-traditional student, so I checked out a book on The Everything College Survival by Linda Larsen!. You can checkout books by this author either on Ebay or Amazon or any other How-To kits on basic survival skills at your local library!. I'm also enrolled in Personal Growth classes in college which actually provides suggestions and teaches many individuals (not only to students) on how to plan, budget, and organize their time, life, money, etc!.!.!.

The thought of moving out seems scary and overwhelming at first!. On the upside, you have your freedom and you get to live by your own rules, and make your own decisions!. You'll also learn to be independent, but you may also want to develop a strong network and buddy system with friends who are already establihed in this situation or may be facing the same situation as you are!. Planning your move ahead of time or setting up a planner or To-Do list might even be a good idea!. Good Luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm actually moving out in October, too!. I'm moving hundreds of miles away from my family!. I'm pretty scared about leaving, too!. What I do to calm down is think about my independence!. I'm gonna be on my own, making my own decisions!. I'm not sure if I'm ready, but I think that with time we will learn to live in our new environments!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

First ask your doctor for a prescription that you can take when you feel an attack coming on!. Tell your self this is a temporary stepping stone in your life's journey!. Don't become dependent on drugs if you don't have to!. You have till October to prepare for you new adventure so start with some good self help books!. Remember 'There is nothing to fear!.!.but fear it's self"!. If your attacks are more severe/often when you drive, ride the bus!. If crowded grocery stores start them go shopping in real early or late hours!. I think you might know where I'm going with this!. Hope I've helped and good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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