Is this depression or something else?!

Question: Is this depression or something else!?
I think i feel like im living a dream!.!.!.i cant really describe it!. Nothing feels like it could possibly be real, and when i think it is real, i wish it werent!. i wish i could just wake up for once and get back to the way things used to be and go back to the happy days!. I feel hopeless like there is no purpose to me or anything in this world, and like im doomed to these days forever!.!.!.

at least i think thats how i feel!. =] i dont even know!. i dont feel worthless or anything!.

i dont know what to think because i real up a little on depression, and you know how sometimes that can like make you overreact on little nonexistant things!? i just want to make sure that im not overreacting!.

but none of the things above were affected by reading up on depression, except for the word hopeless, which i read and found that it fit me!.

this may have been affected though, so i dont know if i would have noticed it: im not in the mood for my favorite sport in the world-swimming anymore, i try to avoid it whenever i can!. im not interested in much, like homecoming, which my friends are trying to convince me to go to!. im just not really interested at all!.

i used to be really good at math, and thats changed all of a sudden!. im struggling, i have a b, and im getting out of it because its just too much stress!. im working so hard and its not paying off!. i can memorize things pretty well, but when it comes to real life math applications, all of a sudden i cant relate things!.

what do you think!?

oh, and about 2 months ago i went through a one week period where i did think of suicide, and kind of a lot!. it went away though!. then when i studied like an insane person for my math test and got an 86 i got so upset and started crying and freaking out and seriously thought of you know, but i didnt and i never woould i was just thinking!. i get scared of myself when i think like that!. i would never do it!. =/

ok, please DO NOT answer with test scores arent everything, blahblahblah, I KNOW! they just mean a lot because want to believe it or not, its true that the best colleges in the world care about test scores!. and my goal is to go to harvard, in my sisters footsteps!. so after studying 6 hours for a math test and getting a b, its a pain in the butt!.

First of all, I am so glad you are not thinking of suicide anymore, that is never going to help anything because it would cause so much hurt to those who love you!. It will cause them great grief!. So here are some thoughts:

1) I don't think it is depression unless it is a constant sadness that you can never get your mind off of!.

2) I realize how badly you want good grades, I am the same way!. But one test score that brings down your grade can be fixed!. Talk to the teacher and get extra help, and work extra hard on your homework!.

3) Try to concentrate on the good in your life, I learned that if I concentrate on the bad things, my life seems horrible, but then I realize that there is so much good in my life that I never think about!. So think of all the good in your life and put up constant reminders around you of those good things!.

4) Be with your friends!. They can help you through this and help you have fun that it sounds like you are in need of!. And if you don't have any close friends, find someone you trust and talk to them or talk to a family member!.


SEE A DOCTOR! anytime that you feel suicidal or hopeless or trapped, that is best answer! that is nothing to try to deal w/on your own!. but it is definitely some sort of mental condition!. dont worry, theres doctors & medicine for these kinds of things!. there is hope! i promise you!. ive been through something similar!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

That could very well be depression!. I would suggest going to your school counselor to talk about it!.

If you aren't comfortable with that, I believe that the APA website has an unofficial self-test somewhere, but I could be wrong about that!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You don't have to keep up with your sister!. Your family will be just as happy if you graduate any 4yr college!.

Check this website: www!.nami!.org!. I do think you need support and help, and it can be arranged--easily with nami's help!.

TX Mom

Please see a doctor, a psychiatrist or psychologist, or even a counselor may be able to help you!. A lot of people go through rough periods where they seek help to get them out of a slump!. :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Never were good times!. You don't have it that bad, you've never watched someone get killed, plus an 86 at my school is a hard C and our tests/teachers are high college level!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It may not be depression!. You could be overly stressed!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

yeah the economys bad but dont do anything drasticWww@Answer-Health@Com

if it keeps up confront your parents especially if you start thinking of suicide again good luck=)Www@Answer-Health@Com

aww i dont think you are clinically depressed!. everyone gets depressed sometimes!. if you're a teenager, im sure most people go through that phase where they dont like the things they used too and they dont feel happy the way they used too!. but once you figure yourself out it will be okay, it may take a while but he patient!.

i think you may have anxiety though, maybe talk to a therapist about your problems!. just a little hint of advice, if they prescribe anti-depressants i would not recommend taking them because they alter your personality or the way your mind works, which to me, is a really scarry thought ( to not be able to think the way you normally do)

hope this helps!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm sorry you are having problems!. I only know a little about this kind of thing but I'd like to try to help!. There are different types of depression including temporary and sporadic depression!. Most people go through one or both of these at some point in time!. I myself have gone through it!. It doesn't last forever thank goodness! If you are really stressed or have had a big change you aren't used to this can occur!. You may feel in a dream and as if nothing is going your way but you could be over reacting!. Take a breath! Don't study AS hard!. Study over little periods of time!. Calm down and relax!. Do you like to read!? Read a book!. Force yourself to go swimming if you know you enjoy that!. Hang with a friend for a day!. Basically do something fun and relaxing and laugh!.
And i know you said that you would never commit suicide and that's good!. Any thoughts you are having about that, you are probably just so stressed out its freaking you out a bit too much!. Just take it easy!. I hope i could help give you some pointers as to how to get rid of your depression!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You need to f*****ing relax!. Math gets harder the further you progress in it so of course your grades might take a hit!.!.!.!. Stop crying depression like everyone else in this world!. Quitting swimming is a terrible idea because exercise actually helps fight depression and anxiety!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I think you are just going through a stressful time!. I used to think I was depressed and even my therapist thought I was depressed but I've gotten so much better since then!.!.!.!. Sorry, I kind of made that about me!. Anyways, it's really good that you care about your grades and you should if you plan on going to Harvard but you can't let them rule your life!. You seem like a very nice person, not the typical whining teenager that thinks everything sucks just because one boy broke up with them after they were dating for 2 days!. Anyways, I think you should find something you really enjoy but still focus on school!. Just be happy!.!.!. And I know that's a somewhat dumb thing to say, but it's true!. You just need to be happy!.

I hope I helped and I'm sorry if I didn't!.

email me if you ever want to talk!


I am 14, and the EXACT SAME thing happened to me!. I went to a doctor, and she analyzed that it's not bipolarity or anything!. She saw that I wanted more attention and held self-pity!. Maybe you could perform a little check list for yourself; Is my life desirable!? Do I have people who will talk to me occasionally in a well-meaning manner!? Also, just a quick tip: DON'T lie about past self-mutilation, a death in the family, etc!., for attention!. Trust me, i did it before and it took a lot of work to cover up!. Do not take up any form of drugs, and turn to God, a family member, or anything when you're feeling down!. Good luck! =)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Why do you feel so strongly about Harvard!? There are lots of other really good Universities out there!. Don't set yourself up for disaster!.
If you made it in to Harvard, and managed to get through with average grades would that be sufficient for you!? Maybe you would rather go to a smaller college and do really well! You know like a big fish in a small bowl VS a little fish in a big bowl!?
Do you want to go to Harvard!? Or do people around you want you to go to Harvard!?
What are your interests and how do they relate to your life goals!? Educational & career goals!?

You say go back to the happy days!? What is that in refernce to!? Summer vacation!? a Boyfriend!? Last year's grade!? Have you moved!?

And remember, a B is still above average!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I think you (or possibly your parents) are putting too much pressure on yourself!.!.!.

Okay, I'll admit that to me, test scores are pretty important too!. I freak if I get a B- or below!. But you gradually learn to accept it - school was meant to be a challenge (for most) and you have to face it!.

Just don't stress over the little things, focus on friends and family!. There will always be another chance to raise your grade in the future!.

Plus, you shouldn't feel obligated to follow your sister's footsteps!. You should do what YOU Want to do, not what your sister DID!. While yes, getting into Harvard is quite impressive, you don't have to just because your sister did!. Follow your passions, your dreams!.!.!.

I used to be a lot like you, honestly!. I had to be every little bit like my sister - smart, athletic, perfect in general!. But I've found that I have other talents too, ones that she doesn't, which I wish to pursue in my future career!.

So just live life, have fun, do what you dream!.

I'd suggest you listen to this song "Swing Life away" - check it out on youtube!.

And as to your suicidal thoughts - everyone gets them at one point in their life!. There has actually been a study about it!.
When a teen reaches a certain age (For me, it was 14) there comes a small time period in which they will become more prone to suicidal thoughts/depression!. This is due to the fact that your brain is clearing out a substance called "Gray matter"!. Imagine small wisps of clouds encircling your neurons and their pathways!. That's basically what gray matter is!. Once your brain clears this, though, you will be able to think more clearly and process things more quickly than you had before!.
The general time period in which your brain is clearing this gray matter can range from 3 months to 6 months!. Sometimes it will even occur again and again!. I'm not sure if this is what is happening to you, but if you're a teen it's HIGHLY likely that your brain is just doing this!. It's a natural process and happens to mostly everyone!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

You're putting alot of pressure and stress on yourself trying to walk in your sisters footsteps!. You are your own unique person, not your sister!. It does sound like your depressed a bit though!.
Has anything traumatic happened in your life lately!?
Mild depression could be caused by several things!. The mood in the household, stress, it could also be SAD!.!.!.seasonal affective disorder setting in!. Some people start to feel blue when the days start getting shorter, and it gets dark earlier!.
It could be a hormone disorder!. There could be a number of reasons why you are feeling this way!. Have you talked to anyone!? Maybe it would help to talk to your sister, your parents or a close friend!. Don't try to sort out these feelings on your own, There might be a simple explanation for them!. If you feel alone, and sometimes you scare yourself with your thoughts!.!.!.you need to find out what is happening!. I'm sure once the problem is resolved, your concentration will return and your grades will improve!. It's hard to concentrate when you feel detached!. I hope you feel better soon!. Hope this helps!.!.!.


I pray that you will pull through this but the only advice I can give you is what's happened to me in that situation!. I finally broke down and went to a doctor and what I was feeling was a sense of frustration all the time building up inside, thinking I can't accomplish any goals or make myself any better in life and come to find out after about two tests she done in her office I have ADD!. It's simple to treat with a pill!. You may want to go to the doctor and see he/she can help you!. I hope you do well and if there's anytime you need help hollar!. God blessWww@Answer-Health@Com

I did not read all the way through, but i read up till you said you felt like you had no purpose!. Sometimes that happens to me too!. Recently, a boy i loved so much and crushed on for 5 years we went out and broke up!. We dont talk anymore and I wish everything would stop and go back to how it used to be around last september!.

Its okay, just think of positives!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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