I have no motivation to live anymore?!

Question: I have no motivation to live anymore!?
my family hates me!.
my dad threatens all the time to kick me out because i skip school sometimes!.
i hate school, its unbearable!.
i have been diagnosed with severe depression
i am seeing a psychiatrist but havent gotten meds get if your wondering!.
i feel suicidal i even have scary dreams where im getting killed our killing myself!.
i sometimes cut myself!.
i eat a lot and feel like **** about it!.
i can't stand life anymore!. no one wants to support me or help me!. no one understands how much of a struggle it is for me to even get out of bed in the morning or even shower since i have close to no energy and have to desire to live!.
what should i do!?
i dont want to kill myself but i dont see what other choice i have!?
what are my options!?
i need something now!
im desperate for a quick answer altho i know these things take time!.!.well, i dont have time!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i am going through the same thing right now!. but i am trying to not think about killing myself!. because i know there's got to be someone out there who cares about me!. my friends have all left me saying i have changed, i have done some drugs, and thought about killing myself, but the saddest part is no one seems to notice!. i hate waking up and going to school and putting on a fake smile so no one will see my pain!. but the only reason i stay alive is to see what happens, to see if what i really think about life is true or not!. i hope that both of us will get out of this depression!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Calm down!!

Everybody goes through school and everyone hates it!!

Times will get better life goes on!.!.!. put some effort into school evevn if it seems so hard!. It is never too late too redeem yourself and in fact i have spent most of my life wishing i was bad because the "bad" kids that have a big turn around always get all of the attention and support!. You have a lot of potential and a long life ahead of you go get em!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Sweetie, sometimes life seems unbearable, but life goes on and changes, and depending on your choices, for the better!. Have faith, love yourself, and believe that you are here because your Creator loves you and is giving you a chance to make things better!. When you find the strengh ( and I hope you do!) find an activity that you are passionate about and pursue it!. I will pray for you, God bless!Www@Answer-Health@Com

sorry sweety!. Dont know how to help you!. All I can say is when you get older everything that you hate now or bothers you now will just go away!. Sounds corny but when you get as old as me things just roll off your back and become a better person for it!. If you need to talk to anyone drop a line!. I can bore you with the best of them if you want!. Oh yeah i got a strange sense of humor too!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes just like "stallion" said things WILL get better!! and just think!.!.!.!. there is someone out in the world that is going through much more stuff than you !.!.!. for example my old math teacher's parents died when she was 6 and 10 and was devastated!.!.!.!. she kept telling herself okay, i'm alive, i'm healthy, wat more could i want!.!.!. god doesn't give you more than you can handle!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Whoa there bucko!
Take a deep breath!. Don't give up on life that easily!. Talk to a school counselor or teacher!. Try talking to someone you trust and fell fine with!. Don't be so negative!. everyone has flaws and no one is perfect!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

what you need is someone to talk to!. if you need me ill be here i can help you you can messaage me or send me an im at vickyshot316@yahoo!.com!. talk to me!. yesyupWww@Answer-Health@Com

make sure you tell your psychiartist and also find a close friend you can tell anything to!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

If you can get yourself hospitalized, on a psych ward, that could be the best thing for you right now!. They can get you started on meds!. They have groups and people you can talk to!. Your depression is getting the better of you and your thinking is out of control - your thinking is being controlled by your feelings, and your feelings are getting more freaked out by your thinking, vicious circle!. You need to learn how to express your feelings in a way that you really get them out!. You need to learn how to sit with your feelings!. You need to learn how to use you thoughts to make yourself feel better, not worse!. You need to learn how to connect with people in your despair!. You need to learn how to be easy on yourself and not be perfectionistic!. So much to learn!! And you are young, you can do it!. The teen years are the hardest!.

When people are suicidal, they need to be somewhere safe!. Call a "crisis center" or an Emergency Room at your nearest hospital and tell them what is going on!. They will ask to talk to your parents!. Tell them that you are planning to kill yourself if you don't get help!. Tell them how you plan to do it!. They will probably hospitalize you, and that is where you belong!. They won't keep you very long, just long enough for you to get on your feet!. You might not really want to be hospitalized, but it is better than being dead!.
Love and LuckWww@Answer-Health@Com

listen slow down the way your thinking!.iv been in your posistion so dont feel alone!.you need to stop what your doing and take a look at things from outside the situation,not easy i know but it needs to be done!.theres so many reasons to live and none to die so get that right first!.this is a hard time for you but its not the end and there will be light if you are willing to find and try to get to it!.this journey will be an important milestone in your life and when you get through this you will be a stronger than before contact me more personal if you want help because i want to support you dont feel you have got no one when you have we will break things down and go from there just try to smile becasue its not as bad as it seems to you right nowWww@Answer-Health@Com

Be sure to mention to your psychiatrist that you are suicidal!. If he/she does not put you on medication, ask about St!. John's Wort (an over the counter supplement that can alleviate depression)!.

The best way to get through tough times is to have things that you look forward to!. You must ALWAYS have something to look forward to!. Without this, you are likely to lose hope!. It can be a little thing, like going to a movie or eating out at a restaurant you like!. Always have something on the horizon!. You may be miserable now, but if you know that a movie you want to see is coming out in a few days, you can focus on that!.

When thoughts of suicide come, dismiss them!. Don't allow yourself to think about suicide for more than a moment!. When thoughts of suicide come, redirect your focus to the thing that you are currently looking forward to!. You may have to manufacture these things!.

I know you are tired, but!.!.!. Exercise!. Endorphins are a natural high!. Avoid alcohol and drugs!. Don't worry so much about food!. Food can be a comfort and if you gain a little weight now, so what!? You are young and you can lose it later!. Just don't let it get out of hand!.

Realize that people do care about you!. Even strangers on the internet are willing to help you out!. There is so much in the world that you have yet to see and experience, and someday you will have the means and desire to see and experience it!. You just need to tough it out now the best you can!.

Stay strong!

ALSO: If you feel you have no one to talk to, you can call 1-800-SUICIDE and there will be someone to listen and help out for as long as you need to talk!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Here's the deal!. I understand you!. Millions of people understand you!. You need to understand that you WILL feel better!. This is just part of your life, and only a part!. You weren't born like this and you won't always be like this!. If you have nothing to live for, you also have nothing to die for!. And think about something!. If you feel like giving up, then perfect!. Now you don't have to care about school or any of that sh!t and you can completely give yourself to something that can make a difference!. Volunteer an animal shelter, or a preschool!. Somewhere, anywhere!. But you're tired, so forget about things and go ahead and sleep!. Draw, write!.!.!.EXPRESS YOURSELF!. And then show people what you wrote or drew, make them understand!. Force them to! And think about everything that you would never see again if you killed yourself!. Look around you!. Realize that all of that would be gone!. Forever!. You don't want to kill yourself!? Simple--Don't!. You might feel that you have no other choice, but you do! You have other choices! Just keep living! I believe in you! Www@Answer-Health@Com

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