Does my friend have a mental illness I'm worried?!

Question: Does my friend have a mental illness I'm worried!?
She lies a lot & makes up stories!. When she meets a boy she tells
everyone she loves him!. She would only know the guy for a few hours!. She makes up stories how she's going to marry the guy!. She told me she had fantasies of being raped!. She also self harms!. She's 18 idk what to do!. Also she becomes obsessed with things really fast!. When she likes a guy she'll check his myspace all the time!. If he likes a different girl she gets jealous!.


This could be Borderline Personality disorder or bipolar!. Does she get really happy for a while and then get depressed!? both or those illlnesses i mentioned can cause this and cause self harming too!.

http://www!.mdf!.org!.uk/ - this site is about bipolar

http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Borderline_!.!.!. - and this is about borderline personality disorder

She needs to see someone but if she doesnt think there is anything wrong with her you might find it hard to get her to see someone!.
Could you talk to her parents!? Maybe they could subtly make her an appointment and take her!? Thing is she may not admit to doing any of this stuff to the psychiatrist!.
She needs help as she could become a stalker and then she could get in trouble!.

She clearly has intense feelings!. She def needs to see a doctor!.

Good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

could have bipolar disorder, or something else!.!.!.

I know some people who have low-self esteems tell huge fabricating stories that have barely any truth and do it so people find them "interesting"!. If she hurts herself, that's definitely a serious problem and needs someone to help her mentally!.

I would maybe discuss this with her - or her parents - if you want to get her help!. She may lie because she likes the attention or feels she "needs" to, but causing harm to herself is, I think, something else entirely!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I think the best person to answer that is your friend, and a doctor!. If you truly love her as your friend talk to her and let her know no matter what happens you'll still be by her side, but that you can't handle this behavior anymore!. Sometimes we have to let those closest to us back away for a while!. Maybe you are going crazy being around her drama!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

She probably has some kind of emotional problem!. I think she should definetly se a councellor!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hmm, Sounds a bit like me a one point and I have bipolar disorder I think its best you get her checked out by a gp!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I think she has emotional problems!. It sounds like maybe she has abuse in her past!. Encourage her to see a therapist!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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