Copin with devastating loss?!

Question: Copin with devastating loss!?
my mom died 12 days ago the last 2 days have hurt the worst is this typical of grief!. Medication therapy kinda of helps but cant stop cryinWww@Answer-Health@Com

I have gone through this too and cried for about a year, give or take a few months either way!. And I still cry but not every single day now!. So yes, it is normal and we all handle it differently depending on how close we were to our loved ones!. Please keep in contact, we can help each other!. I have had lots of memories in my head and some days there are more than others, like flashbacks and that is what happens probably next for you if it has not already!. It is the hardest thing I have ever gone through and sounds like it is for you, too!. Nothing can replace your mom!. What I did to help was to ask a lot of questions on here, and I still do when it gets to me, and also I made up some poems and a web site, so do things like that in her memory, it is something you can do!. Find someone close who will listen, either offline or on or both, and if anyone does not understand, they have not experienced it!. Read a lot of books about it, go to websites about heaven, death and dying!. This is what I did!. There are forums about it, if you need help I can help you find them!. Talk to a minister even, that also helps!. Know we are all here supporting you and know your mom is looking down wanting you to be happy!. And one day you will feel better, it does not ever go away, but just think of those she now is with up there in heaven and some day you too will see her!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm sorry for your loss!. I DO understand!. I have lost many close friends in my life!. Both parents at young ages, grandparents, good friends to tragic accidents!. I tend to have a rather unusual view of death now because of it!.

No one can take away the grieving process!. It is different for everyone but the steps are pretty on the mark!. You can't avoid this part of it or you can't heal!. Crying is ok!. It may not be comfortable or convenient or even normal FOR YOU - but it serves a purpose in this healing so make it OK! Medication only masks feelings and won't let you truly get OVER anything so be careful not to RELY on meds alone!.

I hope you have 'FAITH" - having that myself I was able to see the bigger picture regarding life and death and eternity and realize that ultimately all things work together for our good!. In the end everything will be ok!.!.!.!.!.!. if it isn't ok now!.!.!.!.it isn't the end!. HANG in there and try to remember, feel, and live with as much positive energy, people, focus and LIVING as possible!. It will get better in time!.!.!.!. ya gotta take it a day at a time and let yourself FEEL, express and heal a day at a time too!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I am so sorry that this has happened to you!. Our mothers always seem to be the most important person in our lives!. It it typical of grief to have the feelings and the crying!. It helps to talk to friends and relatives as much as you can!. Get it all out don't hold anything in!. The medication can only help so far with this kind of grief!. It takes time!. You need to cry as much as you need and talk, talk, talk!. Please take care my heart and my prayers are with you!. You are not alone you have people around you who love you!. This is the time to use them!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Oh honey I'm so very sorry to hear what you're going through!. I can't even begin to imagine your pain!. All I can tell you is to just try to get through one day at a time!. Just take it one day at a time!. It's all that you can do sweetie!. Don't think about the future or next week or next month- just take your days as they come and be proud of your self every day you get through it!. Therapy can and will help you, so continue your therapy!. Meds!? I'm not big on meds!. I believe grief and depression when you've lost some one so important to you is absolutely normal!.!.!.why try to numb those feelings!? feel them as much as you can and deal with them!. After all they are you and they are your memories!. You will eventually get to the anger phase!. Maybe even blaming phase at some point!. These are all natural, and your therapist can see you through all of these situations and help you by listening to you w/out making any type of judgment on you- which I'm sure it's something you're really going to need through this rough time!. But you will get through it!. Like I said, you just need to focus on each day!. I hope you find your self together sooner than you expect!. Good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

hey jade my friend , i know its no consolation, but im always here, i know im not much help because i battle my own life struggles, but im never far away, i hope you can keep strong through this time period, i pray you do!.
i hope to have my computer upgraded soon so i can join wow , then i can maybe find you somehow!. keep strong jade and bestest prayers and regards!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Please dont take medication!. I recently suffered the hardest loss of my life!. Keep crying it is healthy!. But do not sulk!. As cliche as it sounds, be happy during the sadness!. Dont completley shut your moms loss out of your head, but do something to forget about it, even if it is for 15 min!.
Love and blessing to you during your loss,
Charity Houstons
(crack a smile :) Www@Answer-Health@Com

Acceptance of nature man!. That is all you need!. Acceptance plus presnce in life!.
We may call it unfortunate sometimes but this is how it works!. This is how nature works!.
Have you ever kill an ant!?!? Notice before and after you kill it!. Before it was alive and running around like it has a life of its own and now you squashed it! and it stops moving - so my point to this story is, whatever living life has taken away from an organism, nothing will changed but only the ant itself!. if you focus on life itself and feel your surrounding while you are doing this "killing the ant" thingy, nothing in your surrounding will ever changed because everything is life and just cause you kill that little creature it doesnt mean everything is now becoming miserable and crazy!. <<< This is how our brain works, it labels what is good and what is bad!. So if one human being passed away, its not going to make a difference in the world because that is just how nature works!. Obviously, our mind labels an ant is just a little useless creature and it is not worth to worry about compare to a human being!. Why do we worry when a human passed away!? because our mind labels that it is an important part of our thought, our living life and without them fear will take over us!.
I hope you kinda get my point, so buddy, just hang on there, get out of your head, your mind, appreciate what we have now coz now is the only thing we have!. No matter what!.

All the best in your living life

- KRWww@Answer-Health@Com

this is normal of the grieving process!. medication just makes it last longer!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

your mom's in the afterlife, its way better than this evil sick worldWww@Answer-Health@Com

I am so very sorry for your loss, my prayers are with you

let it out, and cry Www@Answer-Health@Com

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