Whats the best and easy way to kill my self?!

Question: Whats the best and easy way to kill my self!?
i'm tired of being alive i'm tired in my life I hate it every time because Im doing what I don't want to do what else is there to look forward to life sucks all you do is struggle to earn a living!. theres so much pain here and hurt the other side has to better than this!. I s the way im thinking right!. Maybe everyone will be better off without me!. No one appreciates me anyways they only remember my faults never the good
they dont realize that I hate myself for the pain I cause I do

please give me some ideas that where I would die fast

i hate mylife

nothing is fun

Is there any easy way to end my life, without pain!?!?!?!?!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I want you to stop and think rationally about your attitude and behavior!. No one is perfect and no one is going to succeed at everything!. However, everyone is unique and valuable to society!. Not everyone's going to like us, some will judge us, and others will backstab us- welcome to reality!.

But it doesn't mean to let others dictate YOUR life!. God loves you to an incredibly unbelieveable degree- which we, as humans, cannot even begin to comprehend!. He loves you if you fail that test, if you go to jail, if you committ a terrible crime or do a terrible deed- He loves you no matter what under ANY circumstance!.

We are all loved, precious, and equal in His eyes!. He will never judge you and He will always forgive you!. You mean the world to him!. He unconditionally loves you more than you can even BEGIN to imagine!.

Now I'm sure you must have others that love you!. Even if you're in the midst of conflict and struggle, there ARE people that love you!. No matter how mad your parents or friends are at you, they LOVE YOU!!! Do not forget that!!!

Conflict and struggle exist for reasons!. They define us, they make us who we are today and who we are to become!. They dictate our destiny and they certainly make us stronger, kinder, more compassionate people on this planet- the utlimate goal of the human race!.

Take a minute to think about everything in this world!. There's six billion souls!. Some are dying infants, who will never get to live to see their first birthday, let alone a lifetime!. Millions struggle to find clean water and food!. Millions live in poverty, lost and confused on the streets!. There are genecides targeted at people's race or religion!. During the Holocaust, some children were forced to drink bleach!. Our lives are truly not that terrible- no matter how we interpret events!.

You have so much in your life you do not even realize!. Think about YOUR potential to make a difference!. You make someone smile!. And if you're gone, then the world is going to be a very dreary place for all of the close people in your life!.!.!.You are their sunshine, believe it or not!.

Please do not kill yourself and SERIOUSLY take MY advice into consideration!. If you need any help, see a counselor, religious leader, parent, family member or trusted adult immediatley!. There are annoymous hotlines for suicide, too!.

God is looking out for you!.!.!.hang in there

well please dont kill yourself!. every life here on earth is unique and valuable and keep reminding yourself this!. if you dont get support from your family well try not to take it to heart, just try be better than you already are and then you can just show them how well you've done for yourself!.
dont commit suicide foryouself though, i mean think about the people you leave behind!. your death may be painless but they may suffer for years and years even, if you think they dont love you!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hardships are necessary for the growth of our soul!.

Killing yourself is the most selfish thing that you could do, what about everyone that loves you, what about the people that will hurt because of what you did!

If you kill yourself you will go to hell for eternity! Because you took a life, Jesus is the answer not killing yourself! Pray! Just try it out, PRAY!Www@Answer-Health@Com

stop right now!. call your local crisis center and get some help!. life won't all be a bowl o cherries, but you need to look into yourself and find the good cause its there but got to look hard for it!. my life sucks too, but i find good things everyday you can too!. good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

you really want to burn in hell that bad my god and you call this life suffering!? just turn your stove on (with flames coming up) and sit on there and imagine that your stuck there forever and ever and never ends and let me know if you want to kill yourself again!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Honestly I know you dont want to hear this but i have been when you are before!. Get help, i did and i am so glad that i didnt do it!. It might not seem like it now but it will get better!. Please get help! call 1800suicideWww@Answer-Health@Com

no!. seriously don't! life is hard, but that is what you agreed to in the beginning!. don't give up because your going through hard times!. We all do, but you just have to keep on going!. good things will come out of your trials here!. ( :Www@Answer-Health@Com

Live you life to the fullest and die from old age!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you could jump off a tall building or bridge!. you would be dead on impact so you wouldnt feel any pain!.
you could also put a gun (a powerful gun, not a !.22) in your mouth, and blow the back of your head off!. but this is not foolproof, you could still live through this if you dont shoot properly!.
those are probably the easiest ways to do it!. but before i would do any of them, I would just walk outside and run as far as you can!. Go to another city, another country, do crazy stuff!. What have you got to live for anyway!? Live life to the fullest!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

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