Whats wrong with me. i cant stop..?!

Question: Whats wrong with me!. i cant stop!.!.!?
I have a problem with picking my scabs!?
its not like they heal!. they stay open for months and i cant leave them alone!.

ive been doing it for atleast 9 years (thats as far back as i can remember doing it) and im 16!.
my mom and friends get so grossed out!. my arms and legs are completly covered with scars!. people assume im on drugs or somthing because of those withdraw symptoms!. and they think i burn myself with cigarettes and all this!.
i cant stop doing it!.
i can pick a scab off!. then do it again a hour or two later (on the same one!.)
if i dont have one!. ill make one!. it feels like an addiction and I dont know how to stop!.
somtimes i do it not noticeing!.
somtimes i notice i have one and cant stop thinking about it until i pick it!.
my skin looks pretty nasty!.

It's something akin to cutting yourself!. It's providing you relief from stress by causing yourself a little pain!. The pain makes your brain release addictive chemicals!. This is serious and indicates that you need to see a therapist!. Please, please do!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I do the same thing and I know exactly what you mean!.

I always thought it felt good to have them removed, and the scars they left were always very light and faded quickly!. I never considered it a problem, you shouldn't really either!. If people assume you are on drugs, you might want to pick some new people to hang out with!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I pick at my skin all the time!. The only thing that helps me is to put a band aide over it!. Even if its a tiny scrape!. If I can't see the scrape I don't bug it!. I will take off the band aide and play with it but the scraped remains in tact!

Buy lots of band aides!! I go through 2-3 a day when I have a scrape!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Maybe instead of focusing on stopping the problem you should try to find out what is causing or starting it and learn other outlets for your anxiety!. Also try to think about if your anxiety is over a rational thing or something your just over-reacting about!.

hope this helpsWww@Answer-Health@Com

I actually do that a lot as well, well every time I get a scab!. Luckily I don't get many scabs to pick!. Hmmm!.!.!.I have no idea why I do it either, I'm 17 and I've done it my whole life as well!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It sounds like you have an Impulse Control Disorder called Dermatillomania


Maybe you should get psychiatric help!. There could be an underlying problem causing this behavior!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It sounds like some kind of nervous condition!. I would go for counseling!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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