I have a "bipolar" friend...?!

Question: I have a "bipolar" friend!.!.!.!?
basically, i have a friend who suffers from a severe anxiety disorder!.
he gets angry very easily and he doesn't watch what he's saying!.
if i'm in a bad mood or ignore one little thing he says, he'll assume i'm mad at him, and he ALLLLLWAYS gives me the same thing:
"what's your problem!?" "are you mad at me!?" "what did i do this time!?" "wooooow!."
he puts so much pressure on me and i don't know what to do about it!.
but don't assume that he acts like this all the time because he doesn't!. sometimes he's funny and he has a true artistic side to him that i respect very much!.
i can't always predict when he's going to act like this!.

i seem to make friends with a lot of people with anxiety disorders, and i'm always the one there for them when their other friends can't stand them!.
i can't handle it anymore!.
what should i do!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I tend to 'draw' a fair number of friends who have bi-polar disorder and other anxiety issues, just like you!. I do understand your concern because it can become exhausting to constantly have to weigh your words around these people!. The worst part is, we have to have nerves of steel and the patience of Job as well because these same people do not go out of their way to spare our feelings!. I guess we're perceived as the 'strong ones'!. If you are anything like me, when you are feeling down and not up to dealing with others, you just kind of retreat and try to get through it on your own!. Unlike your 'friends with issues' you hesitate to 'bother' anyone else when you are feeling bummed out!. That's what I do anyway and I'm assuming that you probably tend to do the same -- in fact, it was probably difficult for you to even write this question because even seeing it in print is exasperating for you! I guess it's time to take a break Toots! Thing is, if you don't take care of you and your emotions and put some space between yourself and these 'friends', you may not be able to keep them as friends because they'll push YOU over the edge! I think you will be surprised that if you stay calm and just TELL THEM that you will be taking some time to clear your own head, they will actually stop being so self-centered!. It's amazing how once the 'caregiver' digs their heels in and insists on a break from the drama that is their lives, the friends will either look for another caregiver, or they will actually realize that they have been selfish and will try to care for you for a change!. Take a chance -- separate the wheat from the chaff and tell them you're going to be taking a break from being their 'counselor and confidant!. Good luck Sweetie -- stand up for yourself!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I am friends with a bipolar girl!. Her problem was bad 2 years ago, ending our friendship for a bit, but she went on a medication, controlling her mood swings!. He really doesn't want to be like this, he didn't choose it, he can't control it!. The only thing you can do to help him is to stand by him!. His illness would be greater if he didn't have that one friend that will stand by him, you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It sounds like either he needs his meds adjusted or needs to get on some!. Be patient with him and talk to him about it!. But don't be to "in his face" or you might hurt his feelings!. Remember!.!.!. its not easy for him either with roller coaster feelings life can be very hard!. A good friend is always a good thing for people who have Bipolar Disorder!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Does your friend WANT to change!?
Do you want to help him!?

Write to me privately, and I'll tell you exactly what to do and how!. It will require a long term committment from both of you, and about three quiet uninterrupted hours per session!. If you live near Cobleskill I can treat him myself, otherwise I'll walk you through how to do it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Umm!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. stop making friends with mentally disterbed people!?!?!?

Bipolar is not an anxiety disorder!. Bipolar is where you have periods of mania and depression that cycle!. You are either on top of the world or are at rock bottom!.

Have you thought about getting him some help!? I don't know if he has been diagnosed or takes medications, but that could help a lot!. I have seen that many people with such disorders get the most out of treatment whenever they go to a therapist AND take medicine!. I am a social worker so I can understand this!. In addition, I have both depression and anxiety disorders and acted this way!. I know what its like and how it hurts people looking back on it because I was untreated!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

umm usually bipolar people are lying and there just moody or always anger and dont make decisionsWww@Answer-Health@Com

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