How are you living with Bipolar Disorder?!

Question: How are you living with Bipolar Disorder!?
I have it and its not something that you can just 'snap out of it' like some people say so in saying that, how are you dealing with it!? What about just depression!? My life is being dominated by it, Im seeing a counselor, but is there anyway that I can get rid of it completely!?

Bipolar disorder is absolutely debilitating to me!. Im at wits end!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I also have Bipolar Disorder, but I have Bipolar II!. I am a full time student, part time employee at 2 jobs, and a single mother to a 2 year old boy!.
My family is not very supportive of my disorder, and they often use it as a scapegoat for my response to their insensitive words/actions!. Everything is "because you're bipolar" or "need to get on meds"!.
I cannot give you any magical answers, but I can tell you how I cope with having to deal with myself!.

I can totally relate to feeling overpowered by this!. Sometimes I cannot stand to be around myself, and I don't blame others for not wanting to be near me!. What I have learned to do is focus on the parts of myself that cannot be controlled by my bipolar!. My talents, my dreams and my faith!. Those are things that are a very vital makeup of who I am!. The Bipolar is NOT you, you have the bipolar!. It's simply a little part the makeup of the wonderful person you are!. Yes, sometimes we can be simply frustrating people to be around, but anyone worth my time, friendship, and love, is going to be more understanding!. It took me years to accept the way I am, and learn to love even the psycho side of myself, because let's face it, deep down, under the mood swings, outburst, impulsive behaviors, and crying spells, we are very intellectual, bright, ambitious, loving, caring, and philosophical people!.

I have been seeing a phenominal doctor for the past 4 years, and before him I had a few shrinks who thought they were better than me because of my disorder!. I know you said you're in counseling, but please make sure that this person truly cares about you and informing you of this condition!. Don't settle until you find a doctor that is willing to not give up on you, and invest in the well being of your mind and your environment!. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me :)
Best advice I can give you: Love yourself!. (All sides of who you are)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Unfortunately, bipolar disorder is not curable at this time!. I have it as well and I understand how hard it is to get out of the depression and mania episodes!. I can only tell you what I do to assist my self!.

First off, I have both a therapist and I take both an anti-depressent and a mood stabilizer!.
Second, I try to keep my support system strong!. Family, friends, and support groups, etc!. are helpful!.
Third, I find things that motivate me to get out of bed everyday whether I like it or not!. I love dogs and work at the humane society and my dog is my reason for living!. Also, I like to write because sometimes its easier to write my feelings then express them out loud!. Exercise is great!. Do something that you enjoy!.
Four, If you are spiritual, find strength in your religion!. (I'm not particularly religious, but some people are!.)

Finally, remember this:
As bad as it is!. It won't last forever!. This in time shall pass!.
Good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

In time, depending, on how well, you, treat yourself the depression factor of your bi polarity will fade away,

My parents divorced when I was 3 years old!. My mother is a very dysfunctional complex woman!. She is depressed and does not even know it!.

I moved in with my father at the age of 15 because I was highly suicidal being around her!. At the age of 11 I held a knife to myself!. Something was holding me back!. I realized I had a fulfilling life to live!. (My own)

So I moved in with my father and step mother!. It's difficult here at times!. Not my true home!. I'm 19 years old now!. I used to get furious at myself to motivate myself to do the things needed!. Now I just do them!. I'm a full time honors student with a full time job!.

I have saved up a lot of money!. After my community college I plan on going to a nice 4 year college!. I plan on joining the Air Force as well!.

The main thing though!. YOUR ENVIRONMENT!. (The atmosphere you are in will mold you into the person you become!. Get out of the situation or linger!. It's up to you) My environment, living with my mother for 15 years of my life was the pit of hell and sadness!. She still has not changed!.

Thank you for posting this question it has helped me remember where I came from!.

I love my mother!. Love is appreciation!. She does not appreciate life!. Her persona is a never black whole!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Give abilify a chance for a couple of months with diligent monitoring by your dr!. Lithium is the fastest acting but you will gain weight!. Other mood stabilizers take longer!. Also, your dr may add meds!.
Two doctors recommended the book Feeling good; the new mood therapy by Dr David Burns to me!. It is on cognitive therapy and very helpful!. I would really recommend it too!.
Unfortunately, you manage bi polar but are not going to be completely cured!. You're on your way though!. That is great because good help is very hard to find!. Do research too on different personality types!. ex: I have an avoidant personality!. Here are a couple of sites to get you started!.
http://www!.mentalhelp!.net/poc/center_ind!.!.!. : lots of info on bi polar and personality disorders
ps I started to volunteer like Miranda whose answer I thought was really good!. I go to a used building supply store!. I'm getting a free education, a reference, something to put on my resume and I love being there!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Life is the purest form of emotional pain!. Those who attend church and say that life is a gift are no better than ones who drink their money away in bars for escape!. If life is really a gift, it is the shittiest gift I have ever received!.

So, how does one deal with it!? It is the duty of all to accept it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You need to get on some meds my friend!. I have bi-polar!. I see a therapist, take my meds daily, and what else helps me is I write in a journal!. Sometimes everyday, depending on the mood I'm in!. But tell your therapist you think you might need more help!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yoga, exercise, dealing upfront with stress, keeping on top of your responsibilities, vitamins!. You can not do any drugs that are white!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Think positively!. Exercise, having a hobby, eating well might seem minor but are actually crucial aspects to a recovery!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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