HELP! Do you have Social Anxiety Disorder?!

Question: HELP! Do you have Social Anxiety Disorder!?
If so, what medicine were you prescribed!.!.and did it REALLY help!? Do you feel like you were able to be "YOU" and more social!?
Right now, I'm just starting to become depressed by it!. I always feel VERY insecure, and socially awkward!. I feel like I will be humiliated or talked down to at any given moment and that everyone is going to put the spotlight on me and watch what I will say back to defend myself!. It feels as though I have practically "developed" this over time!. I'm 23 now, and the thought of even going to a party, I find distressing!.!.!.it overwhelms me to the point of feeling drained!. I get very tense in front of crowds!.!.I find this so odd b/c I normally have been described as outgoing!. However, when it comes to anything past gabbing to a stranger or acquiantance at work!.!.I just can't do it!.
It's so bad I don't even like to be bothered by my phone!. When I talk to people on the phone I feel like I am pulling teeth trying to make myself to carry a conversation!.!.I get anxiety thinking about picking up the phone to "socially" gab with my friends!.

I feel hopeless, as though there is no cure!. Has anyone taken a certain medicine that at least gave them the courage to be "social" again!.!.and brought them back to being themselves and "normal"!?

Much love friends!.

PS!. I'm not looking for medicine to solve my problems!. I have already started to do things to mentally help this annoying condition!.!.I just need something that helps me get back to feeling in control of myself so that I can focus even more on moving forward!.

***the longer and more informative your answer=10 points and 5 stars!.THANK YOU!

Hi, I have social phobia!.

I am from the UK but now I live in a foreign country and they're not that advanced here so I have had to learn how to cure this myself!. I have tried everything and have found a few things that actually work so here they are, and hopefully they will help you also!.

1) Buy from Amazon or whereever "Cognitive behavioural therapy for dummies" the book!. This has helped tremendouslysly as you are able to give yourself therapy on your own without having to go see a therapist (although im sure a therapist can help you also) It helps you to change your thought processes, so you can start attacking the fear and taking the edge off its the same technique that your therapist will use!.

2) Take Seroxat tablets, your doctor will give you these, I was taking them for around 4 years they helped alot I was able to face the world again!.

3) Realise that the main reason you have this phobia is because you care too much what people think of you!. Think about it, if you didnt care so much what people thought then you wouldnt be worrying all of the time that they are judging you!.

Mainly it comes down to low self esteem and a fear of authority figures, (by authority figure I mean: anyone you think that is better than you, or someone who it really matters to you what they think ie boss, friends parents, mother in law etc, Or you think are more likely to judge)

4) Try to come to the conlusion that it doesnt matter if someone thinks your weird, strange, or is judging you, SO WHAT!?!?!?!? So you see just as I mentioned, it comes down to the fact that YOU CARE TOO MUCH!.

Get that book I mentioned, and start trying to ask yourself questions:

Question: If everyone was judging me and though I was weird, stupid, shy, etc then what would happen!? Would it really be the end of the world!? You cant control what people think, so you'll just have to learn not to care about it, once you take away the fear, the phobia with diminish!.

Its all down to extreme thinking, you think in extremes and people don't care really what is happening with someone else, they only care about themselves!.You should try and build up your self-esteem to realise that other people are not better than you!. Why should you care what they think!?

Sit with a pen and paper and write down all the things you can think of that is good about you, or that you are greatful for having!. Keep doing it even when you feel stuck, add to it everyday, it's a great way to improve your self-esteem to realise that actually, I am a pretty great person, and others are not better than me, so why should I give a **** what others think of me!.

Another thing I realised, is that while growing up, I had very domineering, critical parents and older sister!. I could never say anything right, and I was always walking on egg shells, this has contributed alot to my phobia, as this now translates to other people!. Now that I am begining not to give a **** about what my family thinks about me, I am seeing my fear with regards to other people diminish also!. So it seems to be connected!.

If your having problems talking to people because you dont know what to say, or fear that you may say the wrong thing, realise also, that no body really gives a ****, no one is going to think back to your conversation and judge it!. Your the only one who is critising yourself so much, so you believe others will also!. You don't have to be perfect, no one is perfect, and that's the beauty, just realise that you don't have to be perfect to be a great person!!!!

If you need further help then just email me!.

I have it, and personally I wouldn't want to risk taking meds!. I have a therapist that's helping me step by step get over the social anxiety!. Meds can't and won't fix everything, you have to conquer your mind first!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I seriously have the exact same thing that you described!. There are alot of books out there that can help control some of the anxiety etc!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

sometimes i feel like it!. i get really nervous!. but i think work opposite to people!. other times when other people are scared i'm not at allWww@Answer-Health@Com

no, i have to be on all the timeWww@Answer-Health@Com


I have suffered with social anxiety most of my life I don't think it is something that completely goes away when I go into a restaurant I still have to eat with my back against the all but I have no problem interacting with strangers any more!.I was prescribed Valium and it has helped me out and it is really nothing but a minor tranquilizer that helps you relax especially in social situations Www@Answer-Health@Com

When I first began to take meds for my anxiety, I was taking a mixture of prozac and trazadone!. I was told that the trazadone would help me sleep, and long term use would help calm down my attacks and keep me panic free!. Honestly this combo did neither, and I felt as if I were taking sugar pills!.

I was then prescribed seroquel, and took this usually at night because it was so darn sedating!. In the long run, I think it helped me out a bit, but I couldn't take feeling like a zombie around 9:00 pm, so asked to be switched to something that i felt was lighter in the sedation department!.

My doctor prescribed me klonopin and I have been happy ever since!. Some people say they feel a heavy sedation with it, or a "loopy" feeling, but I honestly think it has helped me the most with controling my anxiety, as well as those feelings of "building up" to an attack!.

My mother who also has social anxiety took BuSpar and found it to be very succesful!.

Good luck with your anxiety!Www@Answer-Health@Com

You're doing good by not taking any medicine sweety and sometimes taking medicine makes it worst cause of side effects and you become even more depressed!. What it is, it's just fear, that's all!. And fear is all in our head and sometimes we get ourselves so worked up and psych ourselves out over nothing!. And if you mess up then so what!!! People f**k up all the time, so you are not the first, so just laugh it off and who are people to judge!? no one!. Im depress myself and what I do is take slow and deep breathes(which causes your heart rate to slow down to a normal rate)and remember you are always in control of what or could happen!. So get your a** up and go hang-out and socialize lol!!! Hope this helps!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm 14 years old and I feel the same way!. I'm afraid to call my own friends, my closet friends in the entire world!. I'm afraid to go out in public, petrified of being sighted by someone from school!. I have this constant nervous feeling that someone is going to embarrass me in front of people randomly, and I often find myself spacing out, thinking of comebacks to say if someone were to embarrass me!. The friends I have now are because they're the ones who started talking to me, I never start conversations with random people!. I often worry about stopping by in the halls or saying hi in the hallways because I'm afraid they won't say hi back!. I find it very scary and difficult to even think about keeping conversations with people!.

I'll have to say that I haven't told anybody about this, not my sister, parents, friends, anybody!. So I wouldn't exactly know how to help you in your situation, because I can't even help myself!.!.!. but I do want you to know that there are other people out there like you, so you're not alone!. I tell myself that other people aren't worth it, so I shouldn't be talking to them anyway, but it's wrong to think such a thing and I know it!. I had a friend who had S!.A!.D!., and she took her pills!. She told me that it didn't cure her S!.A!.D!., but every now and then, she'd have a better outlook on life!. I don't think the medication is suppose to cure the S!.A!.D!., and I don't think it can!. Maybe you should find somebody with the same problem as you, and together, you'll both gradually become better, I'm not really sure!. I hope it all works out for you! :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

The idea of a "chemical imbalance" has never been proven by scientists, it's just a hypothesis used to sell poorly tested drugs to an all-too-trusting public!. The idea that changes in your brain have nothing to do with your experiences in life and your emotional resilience is preposterous nonsense!. My theory contradicts the chemical imbalance theory requiring one gain an understanding of the emotions, how they work, how they relate and how they can be dealt with to avoid mental illness, things which should be taught to every child but are neglected completely in favor of religion, pseudo-science and video games!. I acquired this knowledge only after wasting three years in a psychiatrist chair and trying every type of drug available with little lasting effect!. Most, if not all mental illness is a coping strategy one comes up with as one lives, mostly for escape from unresolved hurt and anger, and something most people cannot define or discuss because it's gone on too long and become subconscious!. If you can learn to resolve your hurt and anger and thus give up your guilt and depression, then you've solved your problem and can begin to live life better!. I suggest before you take drugs you read this book: http://www!.amazon!.com/gp/product/0517888!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I was diagnosed with depression and social anxiety!. My doctor put me on Zoloft and right now I'm taking 150 mg!. I used to be so freaked out about going anywhere where there were lots of people but now I'm doing much better!. I can hang with friends and go into the mall with few problems!. Occasionally I will feel some anxiety if there are a lot of people, like at a concert or something, but other than that I'm pretty much back to normal!.

Remember that pills can't fix everything!. Keep trying to hang out in public places as much as you can!. It will help you get over your anxiety!.

Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

ssri's have never helped me but i am currently taking inderal, a beta blocker, with some success - especially for things like presentations!. i dont take it any more but diazepam [valium] was a godsend!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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