Excrush gone crazy-HELP!!!?!

Question: Excrush gone crazy-HELP!!!!?
Last year I liked this really sweet, shy guy Lukas!. He was always into soccer and over the summer he got really muscular & hot from it!. So now he is really vain, pervy, and otherwise a jerk!. I go to a different school now but i saw him last month and was sooo disgusted! He's totally different! I really want to help him, but idk what's best for him and I don't know how to help him even if it is best for me to try to change him back to how he was!. I REALLY owe him for something so I can't just let this go, and he sort of isn't a complete idiot YET!. See, some of my friends who still go to school with him don't put up with him so when they yell at him for being pervy he gets upset!. He's still really sensitive inside and I think he's just acting like this to get popular, so I think there could still be hope:) but idk!. I don't want to make things worse! What should I do!?!!? Please don't tell me that i can't change anything!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

People change as they mature!. Hormones!. This is probably just something he'll have te realize about himself!. If you really like him and want to be with him then the best thing to do is just keep being yourself and he may see that his behavior is not appealing to you and want to better himself so he can be with you!. If he doesn't grow up then he probably isn't worth having anyway!. You sound like a level headed person!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Sorry, but you probably can't!. And even if you could, its not your business!. I knew a guy like that last year!. In sixth grade he was the sweetest hottest kid ever, but now hes a druggie!. Its the way things go!. People go their own ways-its not your business to interfere!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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