Why do both sides of my body have to feel even?!

Question: Why do both sides of my body have to feel even!?
I've felt this since I was a little kid!. If one hand was cold, the other had to feel cold too!. If I bumped one finger, I'd bump the opposite finger to feel even!. If I scratch an itch on one side of my face, I need to scratch the other side, too!. If one hand touches something, the other hand has to touch it too!.

It's not a constant feeling, but it certainly isn't scarce!. What's up with me!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Sounds like you have OCD!. It might just be a mild form, but it's definitely there a little bit!.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is NOT just washing your hands 100x a day - not all people with OCD do that! Some people have OCD that focuses mostly on compulsions (the hand washing, or in your case touching both sides to be equal) but others have OCD that focuses on obsessions - intrusive thoughts that they can't get out of their head!.

People with OCD might get an intrusive thought (obsession) in their head, such as the thought of them dying a violent death!.!.!.randomly!.!.!.then they need tp do something to "relieve" themselves of that thought in order to feel okay again!. For example, they might walk around in a circle three times so they can feel better again!. If they can't do that walking around, then they get really anxious and upset because they feel like the bad thought might then happen, even though logically walking around in a circle won't prevent anything!.

If this is the extent of your OCD and it doesn't bother you too much, then don't worry about it and go on living your life!. But if it becomes disruptive in your life or it bothers you greatly I'd recommend seeing your doctor!. They can prescribe medicine that can help or recommend a therapist who might do cognitive behavioural therapy with you so you can stop/lessen your compulsions!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Everyone has some weird mental issues, and I really do think that a great deal of people have little compulsions that they have to fulfill in order to feel comfortable!. As long as your actions aren't compromising your quality of life, you're normal and fine!. Otherwise, see a therapist who can help you medicate!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Sounds like OCD!. There is medication that will take this feeling away!.

Don't be afraid of medication!.It will allow you to focus on becoming who you are meant to be rather than wasting energy, and time, on the details of balance!.

Trust me!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

u have OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder)!. and there is more than 1 way to demonstrate OCD!. its not a MOnk stereotype (from the USA tv channel)Www@Answer-Health@Com

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