Prozac-Has it helped you?!

Question: Prozac-Has it helped you!?
I've been on Prozac since July now, originally 20mg then upped to 40!. I think the time's come where I wanna ask to try another anti-depressant!. Was reluctant to when my GP offered me the choice before as Prozac's the first anti-depressant I've been on and there's the worry that something else may given me even more side effects and/or not relieve my depression at all!.

I know different anti-depresants are suited to different people but would be interesting to hear the extent to which others feel Prozac helped their depression!. Also like to hear from people who've had to try a couple of anti-depressants before finding the right one!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i tried prozac too, it wasn't the best for me!. tried lots of others, inc!. amitryptilene(!?), eventually worked out that citalopram was the best for me!.

good luck!. stick with trying, you'll get there in the end!. i've been off them for 6 months now and feeling great!. tell your doc you want to try another, sometimes the effectiveness wears off!.

i also tried other techniques, have you heard of EFT!? worked for me too!.
emotional freedom techniques, have a look at the site!.xWww@Answer-Health@Com

I was on paxil first but had bad side effects right away (fainted, weight gain, dizziness) Prozac works for me, the only side effect was some bloatedness for two weeks!. My gp did mention that most people are tolerant of prozac compared to others!. I'm not 100% happy all the time but I'm a little less prone to lying around depressed all day!. I started on 10mg and am upping to 20mg

It does make me sleepy and groggy when I wake up but that's lessening a little bitWww@Answer-Health@Com

I took 40mg prozac for 2 years, after a painful divorce, it helped me tremendously!. It helped me in so many ways, I can't describe, and it made me a more understanding, relaxed, and in control, individual, than I was before my tenure with prozac!.

I am no longer on it, and no longer need it!. It altered me positively that I forsee no further need!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I felt that Prozac did little for me, and now I take Setraline which is a drug in the same group as Prozac!. I find it better but when I take a higher dose I get restless and anxious!. The newer drugs tend to have fewer side effects as they tend to be more specific in their action and target the right areas in the brain and body!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

My sister is currently on Prozac!. It's changed her completely!. Now she laughs and jokes with us, she gets giggly, and all!. Before she was a bitter bipolar crazy woman, not she's a lot happier!.

I myself couldn't deal with Prozac, it made my mood swings bad at a teen, so mypsychc!. put me on Welbutren XL or something!. I got taken off of anti-deps when I turned 15 or 16 and haven't needed them since!. So just talk to your doc, like you said everyone is differentWww@Answer-Health@Com

I was origionally placed on Paxil!.!.!. Similar to Prozac!.!.!. and I hated it!.!.!.

I had to try 6 different pills before I found a combo that worked for me!.

If you feel it isn't working then tell your doctor and try something else!.!.!.

NEVER suffer when you don't need to!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm on 40mg and have been for 4 years!. It has helped me tremendously!. I am on it for severe OCD and depression, and my OCD is almost non existant when I'm on it!. When I try come of the prozac though, my OCD and depression returns :(Www@Answer-Health@Com

Prozac didn't help me at all; it just made me numb and apathetic!. I have to say, though, that I refused to take anti-depressants after going on it so as for comparing it to other medications, I don't know!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I used to be on seroxat, but that caused many side effects, so I much prefer prozac!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I take Zyprexa(sp) and am satisfied with it rather than prozacWww@Answer-Health@Com

No didn't help me!. My doc put me on Celexa or something like that!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I first started out trying Amitriptyline at my pc's suggestion!. It seemed to work fine for a while, but it made me really hungry!. After a few years on Amitryipyline, my pc decided to try me on another anti-depressant!. It was then that my doc tried me on Prozac for about six to nine months!. To be honest with you, Prozac really didn't help me that much!. When I was taking Prozac, I continued to cry, I was still too depressed, cranky, sluggish, testy, and even though my primary care doc decided to up my dose on Prozac, it simply didn't appear to be the right anti-depressant for me!. Then the docs put me on Wellbutrin XL!. Nope, it really didn't seem to do enough to stablize my moods either!.

After trying a few more types of anti-depressants that I truly can't remember the names of, one of my really good friends who suffers from Rheumatoid and Osteo Arthritis like I do, told me about Lexapro!. She said it worked really good on her!. She and I had a considerable amount of similar health problems, so I thought I would ask my pc doctor about trying it!. My friend is still on 10 mgs!. and it's working fine on her!. And so far, Lexapro has worked the best by far on me as far as making me capable of living with a bad, painful back, not being able to do what I used to be able to do because of joint pain, it keeps me from feeling worthless and I am much calmer, overall, than I was when I was taking all of the other anti-depressants that I've tried!.

It can take trying out a considerable amount of anti-depressant drugs and quite a few years for some people to find exactly the right anti-depressant for them!. But to me, it was worth the wait, as well as, the trial and error for me to finally find an anti-depressant that really did the best job of treating my depression!. I've been on Lexapro (20 mgs) now for about three or four years!. I started out taking 10 mgs!., and after about one year, I asked my doc if I could increase the strength and he said 'yes, it was worth a try!.'

I have been on 20 mgs of Lexapro for about one and one-half years now and I'm pleased with it!. My hubby says it does a lot better job of treating my depression that most of the other anti-depressants I have tried in the past, so that sounds like an improvement to me!. My doc said that since I have Chronic Rheumatoid and Osteo Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, low back pain, chronic neck pain, hip pain, and other aches and pains, that I will probably never be able to get off of anti-depressants and continue to remain fairly happy!. This is probably going to be a way of life for me and I've finally accepted my limitations!.

Some folks say that Prozac works fine for them, but it just didn't pick me up as much as we had hoped it would!. So, until this Lexapro stops working, this is what I'm going to stay on and I'm already taking the maximum amount that's recommended!. I hope that Lexapro continues to work on me for a long time!. I really don't like having to experiment with all these different anti-depressants because I tend to get in a foul, down and out, downright beyitchy mood when I'm trying out new drugs!.

Best of luck to you on your Prozac!. I hope that it makes you feel at ease with the world and makes you a happier, more accepting person!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Prozac did nothing but make me cry at the slightest thing, my GP then put me on seroxat!. But that just made me very jittery and gave me the weirdest/scariest dreams Ive ever had! Im now on Amitriptyline!. Which in my eyes is the best so far altho side effects take some getting used to e!.g made me very drowsy/tired in the mornings!.
On the other hand my Mum is on Prozac and its the best thing that's ever happened to her!!
It is a case of trial and error to find out which one is best for you!! You just have to give them time to work they all take about 4 to 5 weeks to get into your system and work!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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