OCD and need help with hand-washing...?!

Question: OCD and need help with hand-washing!.!.!.!?
I'm OCD (I'm 90% sure i have it, but I can't be taken to a doctor to be diagnosed) and the farthest back I can remember to be compulsively washing my hands was 4th grade!. My peak was in 8th grade when I kept a mini-bottle of germ-x with me at all times!. I'm in 10th grade now and I still wash my hands alot!.

My hands are sensitive to washing my hands, especially now that it's winter!. The cold and wind gets to it almost immediately!. They are usually red but cold!. It gets noticed by classmates and its embarrassing!. I just tell them that my hands are cold, it's hard to explain to them about this!.!.!.

I was going to upload photos of my hands I took a minute ago, but when I reviewed them I was appalled at how bad they really are!. They are so horrible I was even shocked at how bad they are!. But I cant help that I am so germaphobic!.

My friend told me I have bad circulation!. Could this be true from washing my hands so much!?

Should I ask my dad to get me medicine to help my hands!? If so, what medicine!? Do you think I have dermatitis!? Or do I just need stronger hand lotion!.

I am very embarrassed about this!. My hands are bright red right now!. I took a hot shower probably 20 minutes ago, though!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

My first question is why can't you be taken to the doctor!? I'd show your hands to your parents, explain to them that you can't stop washing your hands, and ask to go to the doctor!. Even a family doctor can prescribe you an SSRI, which can help a lot!. Otherwise, your hands are sensitive because you wash them to much!. You could try desensitizing yourself, but you'd be better off with a therapist!. You don't have a hand problem!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I have a friend who gets extremely dry skin in the winter from her job, and part of her solution is to put lotion on her hands and put gloves over them at night before bed!. The gloves keep the lotion from drying out and this helps a lot!. Washing your hands a lot will not hurt your circulation or do any damage beyond dry skin (although that in itself can be quite annoying and troublesome)!.

See if you can see a counselor at school who could help you find resources for your OCD!. It's true that you don't sound crazy, but that doesn't make it okay for your OCD to get in the way of your life!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

What you NEED is to find a way to get yourself to a psychiatrist!.

Not only will they help you stop with the compulsive hand washing,but they will get you some medicine that will work wonders for you!.

I know how this is,when i was younger I washed my hands constantly,had to recheck doors,lockers,stand in front of mirrorrr until it felt right!.

It's not under your control,so therefore you have no power to change it!.

Me telling you not to wash your hands so much isn't going to work,you know this as well as i do!.

Seek professional help,there's gotta be some way!.

Good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

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