Why do i not mind being deprived of sleep? ?!

Question: Why do i not mind being deprived of sleep? ?
I need some opinions please. Over the last few years I have noticed I have this strange habit that if I miss a chance to sleep one night I tend to stay awake as long as I can. Or I may work 80 hour weeks with little sleep cause I choose too. It does suck, but at the same time I don't mind. I feel as if I have A.D.D( always doing 10things at once, never finishing things, low attention span to one task and my mind is always running. I came to the conclusion that giving myself sleep deprivation is a natural remedy for my so call A.D.D. could I get some opinions and advice please and thank you!!


The refusal to go to bed in a timely manner is probably a result of your A.D.D., not an attempt to self-treat. It's likely that you have difficulty transitioning yourself from an activity that you have hyper-focused on, if you are working on a project or playing a game of some sort. It might even be difficult for you to drag yourself away from the computer in order to get ready for bed. Once you start getting ready for bed, it might be difficult for you to actually climb under the covers and turn off the light. You might lie in bed and watch TV all night long.

You can do a number of things to help yourself. One is to establish a routine and try to stick to it. This will be harder for you than for many people, at first, but once you get into a pattern you will find it much easier.

Be sure to get sufficient physical exercise every day, so that your body is not twitching and jerking under the covers. Stretch out well before you get into the bed.

Do not have a television or your computer in your bedroom.

A warm bath or shower at night will relax you. A cold one will wake you up.

Do not eat protein late at night, but do eat some carbs if you want a snack.

Many adult A.D.D. sufferers find that caffeine has the opposite effect on them as it does on most people: instead of making you more hyper, it helps you to focus and complete your tasks.

Did you have hallucinations?

You state that is does suck so you do mind, you just accept or put up with it

Because, as Weird Al Yankovic said in one of his songs, "I'll sleep when I'm dead."

I don't know how old you. It is possible you are a manic depressive also known as bipolar and have not had a full blown episode yet. Are you able to control your money or are you a major spendthrift?You could be A.D.D. but that shows up at an early age and would have caused some school problems by now. I know several high energy normal people now in their eighties who never required lots of sleep. They didn't consider it deprivation but more like a gift. So, let's just start with change. Try working on one project at a time. If you are stressed you probably will never finish things and when that is the example you set you will continue in that pattern. Change the brain pattern immediately and work on slowing down. While the following suggestions might not really affect you try slowing all of this down. The message is really to send the brain a new idea and eventually you will speed up areas that are not so affected. Eat slowly. Do your work slowly. Write up a schedule of things you want to accomplish and set realistic due dates. Don't do activities before trying to go to sleep. Instead, read a book. Exercise early in the day. As you lie in bed even if you can't sleep, repeat to yourself positive affirmations which is auto suggestion. You might say, I am totally relaxed. I want to wake up in the morning feeling totally calm. I want a restful night of sleep. The brain does not recognize no, so you cannot say things like I don't want. Stay in bed and if you still can't sleep try a DVD with headphones and listen to soothing music or your own taped affirmations. Language study on DVDs can be both beneficial and can put you to sleep when repeated several times. Good night! Pleasant dreams.

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