Why do i always have the same dream???HELP?!

Question: Why do i always have the same dream???HELP?
im always having the same dream and its quite scary because i always drown at the end. im so scared i have it most nights and i dont know what it could mean my friend dies to in it. i know it sounds really strage but im like trying to flush this toilet and then it starts filling up the whole house and we die im really scared to go to sleep every night because it really feels like im drowning

any advice on what i could do to makethem stop pleeaase ??? ( they started around 2 months ago )


You have a phobia of toilets to solve this problem is to start as a child.
Use nappys get someone else to change them, if your not comfortable in letting your parents do this perhaps your boyfriend?
When you feel comfortable move on to pottys,
Then the toilet with some else helping you and flushing etc.
Then when your ready go on your own.
I really hope you can get over your fear, prehaps if you think about how redicules and unbelievable and stupid and unscary your dream is maybe you'll get over it.
Your dream also may be a noun (as in a word that is an object) this is because your poos are solid and so is an object.

YOU the one who beleives the toilet water can fill your house and kill you.

As I child I had one whenever I was going to be ill. I was in my Grandfather's sister;s house and a wolf appeared. I hated it until I leaned how to float up to the ceiling (I woke up when I reached it. Things like that are weird. I got really upset about it. It didn't always come and then it came less and less often.

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