How to make life less repetitive?!

Question: How to make life less repetitive?
I don't want to commit suicide, but I am having a lot of suicidal thoughts. My life is so freaking repetitive. Wake up, class, job, gym, shower, homework, bed. I am so bored. I feel like nothing will ever be fun of exciting again. I can't think of anything I would want to do I just know that what I do do isnt fun. If that makes sense. Help? Do you think it's just winter blues? I would rather not go talk to a shrink, because I hate people trying to figure me out. My parents are against anti depressants


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Omg, im just like you except im only like 15 :( I really dont know what to do myself,

Just sit tight till college or whatever, i dont think anyone can describe college as repetitive and boring, so long as you drink. a lot.

As for now, try making your life literally unrepetitive. Flip a coin every night to decide if you go to the gym or not. at the gym, do different exercises than you usually do. If you think you need to get out more often, commit yourself to it, promise yourself out loud that your going to do whatever your going to do. actively look for something that you'll find fun. go for a walk, take up photography, learn to surf, skip homework on purpose, become a movie buff etc etc etc

point is, just rejiggle your life. try new stuff, or try very old stuff - for nostalgias sake.

Firstly, if you feel suicidal you shouldd talk to a doctor. There aredifferentt types of depression and the doctor will know how to hep.

Secondly, other people are important. There are people out there who understand. There are people out there who inspire. There are people out there who will help you to think about your own future.

Don't give up. Talk to people. Those who love you. Those who canInspiree you. Life really is precious. Other people will are close to you. Tey are not always aware of your needs. Tell them you need then and they will respond.

You need to get out of your rut, is what. Skip the gym. Maybe quit your job. Maybe put school on hold for a term. When I get really depressed, I do something to powerfully alter my routine. I've quit several service industry jobs to save my sanity. Also, the "winter blues" thing sounds like a factor. I'm getting desperate for spring already, too.

Point is, we love ya, and want you to be around with us for the spring and summer of 2011, which are going to be the epitome of ultimate awesomeness. Bring beer and chicken wings, or we're going to have a problem.

boredom will not make a person suicidal - there is more going on than that. It could be winter blues - a light box can help with that, or you can try getting extra bright light. go out for more winter walks. see if things pick up in a couple months - if so, you probably should seriously consider a light box. exercise helps depression also.

it turnsout antidepressants are placebo treatment anyway - the drug companies reported their data to the FDA and public in a dishonest manner, and never published the numerous studies they did that showed their pills don't work (called selective publication). Google antidepressants placebo kirsch for more on that. this info has been widely publicized in the news and so your parents probably heard about that, plus that antidepressants can make you more suicidal.

exercise more social support (hanging out with friends) counseling and light boxes are all good depression treatments without risks or side effects. stop listening to sad music, if you are doing that.

Perhaps you are over-scheduled and burning out. There is so much pressure on young people now, that college professors are complaining that students are arriving and are already burned out before starting their freshman year. you can try moodgym from australian nat'l university - it's a counseling program that is kind of fun, and it is only a computer program. You can check if part of the problem is "warpy thinking."

are you taking mini vacations? like going to the movies or playing cards with friends, spending a day at the zoo, etc? You need to do stuff every once in awhile, can't just be work work work. Instead of the gym, how about going cross country skiing instead, or in summer go camping for the weekend and go hiking etc.

winter is hard. I am in Minnesota, and we are all getting stir crazy here. we took up maple syruping to get something interesting to do before the plants start growing again.

If your parents feed birds, you can do the great backyard bird count the weekend after this one. I kinda liked learning what the different birds are. cornell university needs the data. it's easy to learn how, and you make a difference. also, donating blood is a feel good activity.

all the best to you.

despite all the rage i am stll just a rat in a cage". Please dont kill yourself because it will only create an infinity of total sadness for you. Instead do want most people do when they find life meaning-less: create something wonderful for yourself like painting all white statues, sculpting one, or become an astronomer like me. I am going to buy my own telescope next month so i can take part in studing things far out of this world and it wont cost a lot of money to do that. I use to feel the way you do now, however, i forced myself to have an open mind to at least try to understand the difference between wise choices and one foolish act.

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