Why do any of you think this is something you can answer? In fact, what makes yo!

Question: Why do any of you think this is something you can answer? In fact, what makes you think this is a question?
I wake every day questioning not only life but the fact that we can perceive it at all. Why do each of us perceive it in such unique ways?

Or do we perceive it in such unique ways at all? There is absolutely no possible way of knowing how any one person perceives something outside of our own consciousness, so any measure of presumption fits (at least in the judgement of MY perception) smack in the middle of arrogant.

Yet each of us, and I am a massive offender here despite any insight I may or may not have, is guilty of this. It doesn't matter how much we lie to ourselves about what we do or do not do based on a set of values and beliefs, each of us exists entirely on a set of prejudices. If you believe you do not, then you are just human.

We are all of one blood, whether we like that thought or not. The social and cultural differences exercised by our global neighbours are just extensions of tradition just as our actions and judgements are, and every single one of us is distracted from the fact the we all exist under the one atmosphere by the unfortunate reality that we are alone.

To all of those who read that last statement and want to pipe up about the pessimistic nature of it, then I want you to just remove yourself from your ideals for one moment and really think about the concept of sharing your perception. Not your life, but your perception. It is likened to seeing yourself in 3 dimensions (without technological aid) - it cannot happen.

The truth is your life, and the way you perceive it, is only yours. That is a fact. I challenge anyone to prove me otherwise, but for the purposes of this I'm going to assume (however pretentious it may be to do so) that I am right and you, the reader, agree.

Now I've become so entangled in a web of thoughts to deep for my meagre intellect to pursue. I welcome all and anyone to offer further comments, providing your not an idiot. hehehe

Love you all.


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Pretentious is as pretentious does. Of course anybodies life and the way that we perceive it is only their own. How could every individual be exactly the same?

What was even the point of the question at the beginning? You just answered your own question anyway! :S

wow, I'm not reading all of that.

Fancy vocabulary used to make simple statements seem more profound than they are do not make an interesting argument. The words are wasted if they don't actually say anything when taken as a whole.

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