Are these symptoms of borderline personality disorder?!

Question: Are these symptoms of borderline personality disorder?
Are the following symptoms of a personality disorder,
-Constant mood swings (extreme elation, deep depression, apathy, anger)
-Random changes of plans
-Afraid of being rejected by mothers, fathers, and siblings
-Fear that someone is mad for no reason
-Turning anger, hate, and feelings of rejection in on oneself through self harm
-Crying when someone looks at one odd
-Automatic judgment of character
(when someone smiles at you, they are nice; when someone flashes an odd look, they hate you)
-Obsessions about illnesses, but not faking them
-Disturbing and often persistent and disruptive thoughts
-Extreme highs and lows; no "happy medium"
-Binging and purging; next day self starvation
-Feelings of rejection from family and friends for no reason
-Dying for the feeling of acceptance from one's own mother


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Unfortunately nobody on this site can give you a diagnosis. You do need help and you don't have to live the way that you are. You can go to the site which is the site for the National Alliance on Mental Illness. On their site you can find the phone number for your local chapter. They are there for support, information and they have the best resources for the help that you need in your area. You can learn with help to live a happy and product life.

Depression relies how we explain things to ourselves. It's about how we respond and make sense of events

Borderline is a made up, sexist (almost all with borderline are somehow women) and stigmatizing label that many people want pulled out of the DSM. It turns out that almost all people with borderline are women who were sexually abused as girls, or got abused severely in some other way. there are only a few exceptions. furthermore, doctors and therapists often use that label inaccurately, using it as a label to warn everybody else that you are a difficult patient, and others should steer clear of you.

I will say I had a former friend who met a lot of the criteria, and she would do such things as call up a therapist whom she felt was not helping her, and verbally abuse her, calling numerous times, and this was not because the therapist didn't try to help or that the therapist did something wrong - she verbally abused the therapist because the therapist's help wasn't working. so this kind of stuff is why the labelling is happening, and many psychiatrists and therapists are upset about it, but others do it.

best to see a therapist, and don't go shopping for a borderline diagnosis. Just present with your problems. You should think hard about taking DBT dialectical behavior therapy to learn how to moderate your feelings and behavior much better. I took a mini class, and it helped with my bipolar depressions so I tolerate it better and behave better, but I didn't need all the classes because my relationships with others are good. but that is covered too, and communication skills etc.

alll the best to you

PS many of the symptoms you mention I got BECAUSE of medication - benzos, antidepressants, antipsychotics all made my behavior just terrible. I got labeled borderline, but the docs never figured out it was the meds, even though I didn't get behavior problems until I was in my 30's, which personality disorders don't suddenly appear in your 30's. so if you take any kind of medications, even acne or birth control pills, they could be causing you behavioral problems. various side effects I got were extreme irritability, to the point I was breaking things often, inability to control my behavior, probably due to cognitive problems from the pills, extreme anxiety and panic attacks, impulsivity, etc. even benadryl was an issue for me.

It sounds like you exhibit some signs of borderline personality disorder, but like the above answer suggests, you need to look up symptoms and contact your health care provider of the matter. According you Psych Central, symptoms of BPD are and are not limited to,

* Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment
* A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation
* Identity disturbance, such as a significant and persistent unstable self-image or sense of self
* Impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging (e.g., spending, sex, substance abuse, reckless driving, binge eating)
* Recurrent suicidal behavior, gestures, or threats, or self-mutilating behavior
* Emotional instability due to significant reactivity of mood (e.g., intense episodic dysphoria, irritability, or anxiety usually lasting a few hours and only rarely more than a few days)
* Chronic feelings of emptiness
* Inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger (e.g., frequent displays of temper, constant anger, recurrent physical fights)
* Transient, stress-related paranoid thoughts or severe dissociative symptoms

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