Antipsychotic doesn't work on my "female week"?!

Question: Antipsychotic doesn't work on my "female week"?
Okay well it was working the first 2 weeks... but on my period (this week) it doesn't at all. Why? Is this normal?


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Most hormone experts believe the majority if not all, mental health problems are horomone related.
Mental health people don't mention or test for those, because in psychiatry, the emphasis is on big pharma and handing out drugs.
We made a list of physical problems associated with or that can cause psychosis, and the list is long, and includes hormones.
While you are on and up to your 'female week', the hormones are changing .
Women need to see doctors who are familiar with their hormone issues , not just endocrinologists, because they are overwhelmed with diabetes, thyroid and severe hormone issues.
As many as 20% or more of thyroid problems can present themselves as bi polar or psychosis, and all one would need is a good hormone expert to help them.
You can call a compounding pharmacy in your area and ask what doctors do that , test and balance hormones, in your area.
Or go to
and begin learning about hormones and how to heal .
combine that with this click on 'get started free' may be all you need.
Or would all certainly help you , at least.

citing sources

wrong section

womens health

because that time of the month is not due to anything psychotic in your mind. it is in your body.

Because you hae more hormone levels on thoses days ?

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