Am I having panic attacks? Please help quickly.?!

Question: Am I having panic attacks? Please help quickly.?
I am having serious problems. I'm only 15, I have a great life. But lately, it seems as if I am surrounded by dying and death and I've convinced myself that I'm going to die soon or I'm dying. I can close my eyes and I have just convinced myself that I've died or I'll be in church and when I close my eyes to pray I can just feel myself slipping away, like I'm dying or dead and that I'm surrounded by something unnatural. Sometimes I feel like I can't breathe, Not even when I am nervous. I am very fearful and I have had a "panic" attack before. I fear that I have mental disorders all the time, I am so afraid that I am losing my mind and that I am crazy. Or that I have a personality disorder or something. Everything scares me latley. I am very fearful. I'm afriad to be alone, or be in the dark. Someone please help me, I fear I'm losing my mind.


I think when your really nervous you get jittery, I've had panic attacks before too.. But I think when you felt like "you were slippping away" you were feeling light headed or dizzy, try to remember , did you eat that day?

usually, anxiety , well not usually but anxiety always has a root cause. Try and and think of what situation is causing your anxiety, for me it was our finacial issues, the water/electricity being turned off for over5 months! and me and my dad's fighting.... when you find the exact root cause, see what things you can change and for the things you can't relaase control over it and put your faith in God.
I'm glad to see your going to church, prayer is powerful, get people at your church to pray for you and be specific, tell them to pray for your anxious mind and to have more faith and trust in God.. usually when we worry its about things we have no control over, or we don't think God will be able to do it.. but all things are possible with God... ALL, and God is a good God has complete control over everything in your life, so there is no need to worry, just let him handle it... nothing is too difficult for God.

I used to be in your shoes, what really helped me then , was reading.. it diverts your mind from the worry, also cross word puzzles and tea helped .. especially chamomile tea.. it soothes the nerves, it helped with tension... and exercise releases endorphins.....

Don't worry , your just stressed, remember try and find the root cause, find out what you can changed.. if you do your part God will do what you can't do, always pray... pray that God will help you walk in the peace he gave us, relenquish all areas of your life to him, and cast every single burnden you have on him :)

your okay just a bit overworked ^^

19 yr old gal thats been there done that :))

You need to contact Behavior Health and talk to someone there. Sounds like you may need to get on an antidepressant. Don't worry more people than not need to be on them and that is a direct quote from my own doctor. Nothing to be a shame of. You need help and they are there to help.

clam down......its going 2 be ok......think about somthing positive. start dance or somthing active it should take ur mind of things.but mostly calm down,mditate do yoga.its healthy & calming.
good luck:D

mi somtimes sensitve side

It sounds like you are talking about anxiety attacks, which are entirely different from panic attacks. But, I'll assume you know what you are talking about and that you are having panic attacks.

There has been significant research suggesting that panic attacks are physiological and not psychological. It is caused by an alkaline build up in the brain which then triggers the release of too much lactic acid in response. The lactic acid causes too much acidity which makes the brain react as if the CO2 levels were too high (which would happen during suffocation). It is only natural to panic if you are suffocating and the misinterpretation of the acidity as suffocation causes the panic attack.

I believe that a potential solution would be to exercise (like lifting weights or running) to create more lactic acid in your body. This would prevent the initial alkaline condition that triggers the over production of lactic acid in the brain.

I am a medical scientist.

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