Does my wife have a perception disorder or is she crazy?!


Does my wife have a perception disorder or is she crazy?

I hate to generalize, but for the sake of this post, and to not get too personal, I must. My wife constantly views things the most negative way. She never gives people (including me) the benefit of the doubt for being genuine or good hearted. . When someone (including me) is concerned about her, or what she is doing or not doing and tells her, she views it as someone is attacking her so she must defend. By defend, I mean attack back. She knows she has a tendency to do this, but when she is in the moment of doing it, she is in denial and will go to all lengths (even lie) to justify herself. Are there perception disorders or how can I determine what this is. This is not normal at all. We have been married 8 years and if anything, it is getting worse. She is 26 years old. I am 28 years old. NO JOKES PLEASE, I KNOW SHE'S A WOMAN SO THIS IS NORMAL.... yeah yeah yeah.

Seriously though???


I am no psychologist, but I believe her problem lies within her. In her perception of herself. Somewhere in her life, she has been wrong, when she was actually right.

For example: If she had a sibling that got her into trouble even if your wife had nothing to do with it.

So, she may not be attacking back(or you), but voicing her reasons or opinions for being right in her own mind. To justify her being right, she must lie to convince herself.

I don't know if you should give in and just let it go or if there is some form of counter attack that you can do to make her understand???????

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