Should I change schools?!


Should I change schools?

I'm 13 years old and I have a slight case of depression.
I go to a private christian school, and I really don't want to stay there, but my parents want me to.

I explained to them that I did not want to go to a christian school.. Bible is just another class for me.. just a regular class that isn't important to me what so ever.

Plus, everyone there is very annoying, and utterly rude.
Everyone likes me, but I hate almost everyone.

Its not my attitude, other people out of my school have met the people at my school and think they're un-likable.
I feel very lonely ever since I've been going to this school,
and it hasn't made me closer to the Lord at all.

Should I just bear it and be like this for the rest of my life?
I miss being happy.
(Yes, I already go to a therapist. Not really working.)
Any tips would be nice..

Additional Details

2 weeks ago
Oh, and my parents won't listen to me.


In ur case yes. If u let it go on who knows what might happen in the near future. I mean it could go both ways. Give ur school a little longer and if it gets worse then transfer. You see I am 15 and going to a catholic privat and have a mild depression. I am still going to that school because i dont really want to transfer and my depression has nothing to do with school. Friends help me out and that is why i stick around.

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