I love the 'suicide hurts all those around you' quote, are you guilty?!


I love the 'suicide hurts all those around you' quote, are you guilty?

Now don't get me wrong, I'm no advocate of suicide, though I do find this statement particularly hilarious as it is parroted so often. If half the individuals suffering from mental illness had any indication of a support group on a personal level they wouldn't have slipped into mental illness in the first place. More often then not these individuals are coming from horribly isolated, abusive(not always physical, there are many forms of abuse) situations.

If one wants to have any affect on a mentally ill person a good place to start would not be to misjudge whatever horribly screwed up situation these individuals might be coming from, only confirming their own desolation. Instead of referring them to a support group that is often not there, work to become part of their support group. Show them that you care on a personal level.

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2 weeks ago
embroidery fan-You must work in a middle or upperclass region. Let's be honest, just the rapid hormone change of adolescence can trigger depression in many brain compositions. You're right, many in these situations do have those that care, many others are triggered into depression through environmental causes.


Hey there Marvin:

YES, I am guilty of of saying to someone contemplating suicide or even completed the threat with an attempt that failed that it does hurt all those around you. Sure, I don't mind at all if you laugh because I once had the same belief that you do until I was on the other end of the stick so to speak.

Please let me clear up a few wrongs you have written here about mental illness if I may.

You wrote: "they wouldn't have slipped into mental illness in the first place." Mental illness first of all is a chemical imbalance in the brain that much be treated in various ways depending on the individual. Most common treatments are medication therapy and Talk therapy.

As for your mention of support groups...personally I love them, they have made my life easier I know this for a fact. Family and friends to talk to, well again that depends ofn the relationship you have with them. Could I use my family/friends as a support group? NO WAY. They only made me worse when I tried. It is called ignorance. My family was completely ignorant of mental illness even though they knew I do have mental illnesses but they chose not to learn and be ignorant and judgemental like 90% of the population but yet to sit there give advice, condescend, ridicule any attempt you try to become well because of lack of knowledge. It is the 10% of the population you hope to find as they are the ones with the knowledge, understanding, a shoulder to cry one, a suggestion or two and most importantly they are non judgemental.

"horribly isolated, abusive(not always physical, there are many forms of abuse) situations"

Again I have to disagree, Well adjusted, non abusive relationship people also have mental illness because it is a CHEMICAL IMBALANCE. Something organic is wrong. The life situation is an ADDITIONAL FACTOR that will enhance the persons feeling of dread and despair. It is not the cause. Again it is a huge ontributing factor because in a relationship as that you can put money in the bank there will be no support for the person that needs it.

I cannot AGREE with you more! Fantastic last paragraph. Any person who has a mental illness or suspects that they have an illness, you need to tend to that immediately and just because you can't see it then it musn't be there is so completely wrong. The ones you can't see can be the most deadly! Educate yourself then once that is achieved, educate those around you and then educate those not around you, anyone who will listen and spread the word that mental illness is not "Crazy" it is an illness that needs to be treated as Asthma, cardiac conditions, anything. The are the same, and left untreated can be deadly.

I always offer in my answers for people to contact should they need to or want to because I want to make sure that everyone has someone to talk to for any reason at all. I want no one to ever feel they re alone because they are not. I have had so many people IM or email me after they read an answer, I am so grateful that they called for me and that I was there. That lets them know that even if you think you have no one...you actually do.

Support groups have saved my life more than one time. I am a firm believer in them and I just wish that every one would try them for at least three meetings before quitting and not just one. NO meeting is ever the same.

I am as a matter of fact just starting a support group in Yahoo Groups for people who have Bipolar and More any other diagnosis that coinsides with Bipolar and I can't seem to limit it to even just that. Reaslisically everyone is invited. The site is httt://health.groups.yahoo.com... As I said we are just starting and we do ask those who want to join to do so, I want everyone to join, and have patience as I make mistakes as this is a learning process for me.

Always give any option for support a try and really give it a chance. You never know when someone in your support group will say something that will actually save your life and that is not an oportunity that I am ever going to give up. I hope that you do not either.

I wish to you all the best
With Hope, Love and Support

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