My Monster again....?!


My Monster again....?

Thank you all for your answers.. My monster tells you all to get lost LOL... I don't use street drugs and go to my shrink two to three times a week. This all runs in my faimly and I had a messed up childhood. I would never do anything to hurt myself but my monster has got me in so much troble and makes me loss touch with reality. I feel even if I get better my past is so messed up that I will never be a full part of society. Im about to get on SSI but the little money I will get will never help me get anywhere. I lost most of my friends and faimly because of my monster and when I try to make new friends they found out that my monster contorls my life and freak out. Im also learning disabled I tryed collage. I don't spend my days in bed or crying I fight him everyday!! Im up by 8am and in bed my 12. I do manythings in my life to try to keep him from getting me down but over time it builds up untill I reach melt down. I beleave the only cure is the same as my faimly. To fight it.godbess


hey...get to know ur monster...why doest it keep bothering u maybe after u figure out wat it wants it will subside and let u live ur life more happily. There is a reason why it keeps coming back..its because ur fighting it and avoiding those issues of the past....learn from ur mistakes or whatever may have happened in the past...i know it will probably take alot of courage to face those fears but u seem like a brave person...confront ur monster and make ammence. Also try meditation ....check out some web sites on will make u feel alot more calmer and happier its a proven fact. here is an example of the proof meditation can do....GOODLUCK I know ull get me if u need anything.

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