Should I see a counsellor about comfort eating?!


Should I see a counsellor about comfort eating?

I just asked a question about how I can stop comfort eating and a lot of people said I probably need to see a counsellor about it......

I'm 20 years old and in the past year I've gone from a UK size 12 to a size 18 :o( I moved away from home about a year and a half ago, and I get a bit homesick sometimes, but not all the time. But anytime anything happens and I get upset or depressed I can't stop myself from eating sweets and chocolate.

I can't stand seeing myself in a mirror now, I look disgusting and fat, I hate it, but at the same time when I see how fat I am I get depressed and next thing I know I'm eating more chocolate to make myself feel better, I just can't stop myself. It's making me fat and disgusted with myself and it's causing a lot of problems with my teeth which are rotting because of the amount of sugar.

Do I need to see a counsellor? And what would happen if I did?


Absolutely see a councelor. Comfort eating is not healthy. Right now it seems as though food is providing you with emotional nourishment rather than physicaly nourishment (for which it is intended). You probably have unresolved feelings of inadequacy or other self-esteem issues - most likely unrelated to your current unhappiness with your appearance - that a councelor could really help you with.

Self esteem is at the core of who we are as human beings. If yours has somehow been diminished - or never developed healthily to start with - it's no wonder you turn to food as a source of comfort. Food doesn't criticize, food doesn't alienate, food doesn't judge you. You're not crazy for eating the way you do, but it must stop for the sake of your physical and emotional health.

If you go to a councelor, you can expect him/her (you might do better with a woman) to ask you how you're feeling; the goal is to get you to see yourself and your life through from an accurate perspective, rather than through whatever distortions are compelling you to overeat. With their help, you will eventually come to realize that you're an amazing person, capable of thriving on your own, making great friends, and feeling good about yourself.

The councelor might also refer you to a nutritionist, but I think dealing with the emotional compenent should be first priority.

You've already taken the first critical (and difficult) step in admitting you have an issue with food. Now it's up to you to seek out a professional to help you address it. You can do it!

And remember, you're more than what you look like.

Good luck!

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