Weight Training ?!

Question: Weight Training !?
Hello All,

I Had an inguinal hernia Surgery 2 years back!. i HAVE 3 queries :

1!. aM I eligible to do weight training !?

2!. please give a detail of all precautions [which excercises to avoid,even mention the details on cardio excercises like push - ups etc]

3!. I am very skinny [height : 5'11 and weight : 60 kg] and need to gain weight
without supplements,is it possible !?

Kindly requested to give detailed and exhaustive answers

Thanx a ton


#1!. YES you are, Scare tissue tends to heal stronger than the tissue around it!.

#2!. When you start out, concentrate on the movements, not the weight!. Add weight slowly and any time you feel that familiar "pulling" in your abdominal region, STOP, figure out what caused it to happen and re-learn a new way to work that area of your body!. As a rule, any chest workout you do, you should not have your legs out straight, bring them up and into you before you even start your reps!. That will releave the pulling on your abdominal region!. BUT!!!! If you are not experienced in the lifting, get a trainer for awhile to get you into the movements that will keep you from injuring yourself again!.

3!. YES it is!. If you eat "Blanched" veggies and a ton of good quality meat, you'll put on muscle!. That muscle will add wieght, the good kind!. Too much junk will create fat!. As you reb-up you program, you'll find yourself eating more, eat 5-6 times a day!. Small meals -but good foods!. This will keep your motabolism fired up all thru the day and hunger will be only a momentary thing!. But alot of folks get going and feed that hunger with junk and get fat-so don't fall into that trap!.(I know you don't want suppliments but "Muscle Milk" is a great drink to take in right after a workout-and it is delicious!) And get good sleep-6 to 8 hours a night, that's when your muscle repair!!!!! Good Luck!

Good LuckWww@Answer-Health@Com

Ok, I'm not going to be so exhaustive but I guess it will help you somehow!. 1) Yes, I also had hernia when I was younger and you can go back to your workout few months after the surgery, no need to mention that 2 years later!! well, it's is enough time to recover hmmm!?!?!?!? 2)If you have the genetic tendency to have the lower abdominal muscles weak (that's why I got my hernia) then you should start to do abdominal training but starting from zero!. That means do very light abs the first week, then make them harder and so on!. train the whole core not only the abs!. Karate, o kick boxing routines are really good for that purpose!. 3)I was also very skinny but don't worry about it!. Work out with heavy stuff, 8-10 repetitions and the last ones should really burn!! and eat lots of protein and carbs!. Keep away from fat!. Do Not try to gain weight adding fat to your diet because you will look odd being skinny with a thick fat layer!. Better to look slim and muscular even if you are not bulky!. Any way just take a look at the Hollywood stars!.!. most of them are now slim and very well defined!.!.!. It is in now!. Hope this helps!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hi Abhishek

You need to wear a belt if you want to push weights again!.
Start slowly

I would suggest you learn Yoga!.
There are asanas that can help to strengthen your overall muscle tone!.

To gain weight without supplements !.!.!.!. have more carbs in your evening meals!.

Bust most important !.!.!. have well balanced meals!.

Take care :)


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