How do you stop itching down their after shaving?!

Question: How do you stop itching down their after shaving!?
I'm a guy and i just shaved my pubic hairs down their for the second time and it is really itchy were i shaved how can i over come this problem for now and future times!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

apply a nice scent-free moisturizer to ease the itch!. and for heaven's sake don't scratch; that just makes it worse!.

and next time you shave down there go perpendicular to (not with or opposite) the direction of hair growth!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Try cortizone cream!. This should stop the itching!. When you shave the sensitive areas make sure you use fresh razors (3-4 blades)!. I use this cream called "coochy"!. Yeah I'm a girl! I did tell my brother about it though!. When he shaves his beard he gets the same thing!. Every1 is different some spots are just more sensitive than others!. If you don't have this stuff @ your local sex shop "Adult store", use conditioner!. Try not 2 use the razor more than 3 x's!. Man I feel your itching pain! I have sensitive skin and it took me a long time to figure out there is a better way!. Welcome to the "bare" club! Good Luck! I hope this helps!Www@Answer-Health@Com

well,maybe you can use talcum powder or use the baby powder to apply after shaving as it will sure itch each time you shave!. perhaps putting powder helps!. can understand your feelings as it is quite itchy!.perhaps can try trimming next time!. how come you choose to shave!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

it sucks when it grows back, it will itch for a while (weeks) there is probably some stuff that you can get to stop the itch, try waxing next time, the regrowth itch isn't so bad!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

moisturesie afterwards!.
put on sudocream or E45 cream!.
STOP scratching or else it'll get more itchy and you will get in grown hairs!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It should be down there, it is a location!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Be an Al Bundy, keep one of your hands down there!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Stop shaving and be a manWww@Answer-Health@Com



lolz!.!.!.!.jst use vitamin E cream!.!.!.its should go in a secondWww@Answer-Health@Com

use talcum powderWww@Answer-Health@Com

After shave balsam or a hand lotion will do the trick!.

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