How to get rid of man boobs?!

Question: How to get rid of man boobs!?
when i was 12 i was fat and had man boobs!. now i am 15 and lost 40 of the pounds!. i still have man boobs that that is still very visable!. how do i get rid of them!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Join the Y and do some lap swimming on a regular basis!. Along with that go on a low fat diet for a couple of months!. Swimming is the best was to get tight pecs!. Notice how Olympic swimmers have tight pecs that are not overly developed!? I did all of this and it worked for me!.
Good luck!.

Bench press is the only way, but it takes time depending on how big your man boobs are!.

Man boobs are heritiary!. It's a genetic throw-back!. I've done research on this because my man boobs are huge!. When I was younger and exercised on a regular basis, I was able to reduce their size, but now that I'm an old fart they have come back even bigger!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

If you have true gynecomastia no amount of exercise can get rid of them, cause the boobs aren't being caused by fat, you have actual breast tissue like a woman does, and the only way that can be removed is through surgery!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

ya like most ppl said, go to the gym and lose fat and more importantly, transfer the fat to muscle!.!.!.do the chest lifting, pushups etc!.!.!.it works~Www@Answer-Health@Com

If UR more 20% body fat, U'll be no able to get rid of them U need to lose weight, 10% body fat or less, but if that does not work only surgery will do!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Continue to lose fat or start building muscle in those areas!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Just bench every dayWww@Answer-Health@Com

exercise and they ll turn int oliek those abs muscles thingy lolWww@Answer-Health@Com

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