How can i get bigger biceps?!

Question: How can i get bigger biceps!?
im barely 15 and 4' 11" i want to get muscles on my biceps and i can only do it at home what can i do pushups lifting dumbells etc!. someone help me outWww@Answer-Health@Com

use a free weight or two gallons of millk or water or gallons filled with rocks and lift them up!. Train when you are over 18 not too young!.

see this for different ways to do bicep exercise:

Remember do not train only your bicep or your body will not be proportioned!. Also train your chest, back, legs, abs, shoulders, pancreas, etc!.

Best of Luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

If you just wanna get bigger biceps, I would recommend doing dumbell curls!.

Start off slow, do sets with lots of reps with a low weight!. Lets say!.!.!.15 pounds!. Do that for a few days

Once your muscles have got used to be worked on, start lifting heavier weight while doing less reps!.

When you are doing Biceps curls, ALWAYS keep your back straight!. You want to isolate the muscle you are working on!.
Its a good idea to change up your routine too!. Do curls standing, sitting, on a med ball etc!.

If you're going to work out your biceps, it's also a good idea to work on them triceps too!. You don't want half your arm all buff annd the other half flab!.

Final point, you want your muscle to the point of burn!. Doing lots of easy reps is okay, but muscle tone and size comes from those last reps where you can barely get done and it feels like your body is on fire!. That is your target zone!.

Good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

If you have dumbells then bicep curls are the best exercise, just type it in on youtube and you'll get loads of demos!. Or if you have something to pull yourself up on then u can do pull-ups which is great for building biceps!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Eat more Ho-Ho's!.!.!.!.

There real good and have yummy filling inside!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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