When is the best time of your life?!

Question: When is the best time of your life!?
im a junior in highschool right now and i have been wondering why they say highschool is the greatest time of your life!. I mean its ok but its not great!. Everyone always says that highschool is the greatest time of your life and i dont get that at all!. Im not some weird kid i am a little popular in school but that stuff doesnt really matter to me!. I just dont think highschool is so great!. Just this year has been the weirdest year for me!. I had 2 really close friends die and i had my friends change like some got way into drugs and its just a really weird time and i just get overwhelmed with all the change but i was wondering is it true that these are the best years of my life cause im not seeing that!. im not depressed or anything like that and i dont dwell this!. im just curious what age was life the greatest for you!? thanksWww@Answer-Health@Com

me personally in high school i think it is the best time evr you are atill young and you need to have fun and party and you are only young once enjoy it and act crazy thats my philosophy!.

i think i am like popular not like the most popular but i know alot of people at school and in other schools!.

i think it is the best but all the changes and things that you may think are bad, are bad but they teach you to have fun but dont go and do anything super crazy i feel tyeenager years are the most fun because you get to be crazy without getting in too much trouble and you spend lots of time with friends and just enjoy lifeWww@Answer-Health@Com

I forget what movie it is, but they say something to the effect that your window to screw young chicks and do drugs is diminishing by the hour, or something like that!. Once you turn 18, life is real!. If I could go back, dear god, i could only imagine!.

Live it up, you're only a kid once, but you're an adult for the rest of yourlife!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i don't really have a best time in my life!. i think that no one should have a best time in their life for now but when u get old and u look back on ur best times ur best times would be living the life u lived!. but so far the best time in my life is now being around my crush, sitting next to my crush on the rollercoaster and being with my friends & family!. that's the best time in my life living in the presence and alwayz concentrated on the future!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

the age that was best for me was when i was little!. i was always happy, almost never a time i was sad!. and when i was, simple things could make me happpy!. im sorry for your losses, but i think the whole "high school is the best time" is a bunch of bs!. its an opinion, and not a fact!. im in ninth grade, and in a college prep school, and guess what!? im in the same place as you!. it isnt great, its just school, and there isnt anything making it the "best years" for me!. but yeah, just a personal opinion!. :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm looking even further to college, rather than high school!. High school is only the building-point to prepare you for the "real world," or in other words, college!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Your 30's - no more peer pressure!. You've weathered enough to feel confident about yourself & life!. You're still young enough to do whatever you want!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

college is supposed to be a lot better
just waitWww@Answer-Health@Com

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