How come when I stand up I feel dizzy?!

Question: How come when I stand up I feel dizzy!?
It doesn't happen all the time, just once in a while, my blood pressure is normal, so what the hell!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I think this happens to just about everybody from time to time!. Sometimes when you're very relaxed and stand up suddenly, your system is caught off guard and is a little late compensating to keep the blood flowing in the brain!. Then you get a little episode of low oxygen, and you feel dizzy, and maybe see little flashing lights!. It doesn't mean anything is wrong unless it happens all the time!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

When you stand up, your heart has to momentarily increase your blood pressure to move blood to the higher position of your head!. If your blood pressure is too low or if your heart has trouble adjusting quickly enough, you may not get the required pressure immediately, thus causing a decrease in blood flow to the brain!. If otherwise your blood pressure is normal and this is happening frequently, you should probably see a doctor!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

well if your lazy and lie around all day, and you stand up quickly, then your probably getting a head rush !. that happens to me lol :P
uhh , if it just happens out of nowhere, it might be because you are getting a lack of nutrition and need to eat more!. If you eat normally, then you might not be getting the right types of food!. I dont know what you eat!.!. but i dont know, maybe eat healthier or more dairy or something!.
I wouldnt worry too much , just try changing your diet or eating habits!. If that doesnt work, and you keep getting dizzy, then go to a doctor!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i had this happen often and it turned out i was dehydrated!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You could be getting up too fast i do that sometimes or when its to hot out side or both lol!. Make sure to drink alot of water!.
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lack of oxygen to the head at a timeWww@Answer-Health@Com

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