How can i stop masturbating for good?!

Question: How can i stop masturbating for good!?
i feel guilty after i ejaculate and dont feel right i just want to quit i know how there are benefits to masturbating but i dont care i am a christian and i dont feel right with God on what im doing i feel like im sinning and i think it is a sin i want to quit for goodWww@Answer-Health@Com

I've been where you are right now!. Dont listen to some of these ignorant people that don't believe in God!. There is a God!. Im sure you have experienced Him as well as myself!.
Also let me share with you what was told to me by a trustworthy man of God one time!. He said that the reason masturbating is wrong is what you are thinking when you are "doing it"!. Lust is a sin and lets face it, when you are masturbating!.!.!.lust is part of the equation most of the time!. The "world" may tell you that it is "OKAY" to do it occasionally!.!.!.but your convictions are true and if you feel bad doing it (which is a good thing, means that God is telling you something) then stop!.

Email me and let me know if you were helped by this or need more help!. I too am trying to be a better man of God and want to help others like your self!. knunn0006@yahoo!.comWww@Answer-Health@Com

There is absolutely nothing wrong with masturbating!. It is not a sin!. God will not "get you" for doing it!. The important thing to remember is that God cares more about you as a person than he does about the fact that you masturbate!. It is a well-known fact that most men masturbate regularly and that masturbation is a normal healthy expression of a person's sexuality!. One plus is the fact that it also feels very nice!. Don't beat yourself up over this, dude!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It doesn't actually say anywhere in the Bible that masturbating is a sin!.

Don't bring up Onan - Onan just pulled out early, which is not the same as masturbation!.

Personally, I don't think there's anything wrong with wanking!. Our bodies are fun, and there's no reason we shouldn't explore them and have orgasms!.

I also think that obsessing over self-denial can lead to less engagement with god!. I'd rather think about divine love than be constantly occupied with not getting off!.

However, there is a tradition of asceticism in the Christian church, and if you want to explore self-denial, then who am I to tell you differently!? Some people find that prayer helps, I think!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I really know how you feel!. I have been there to!. What I think is that you have to do not see it as a sin, and let yourself do it!. Try not to be too addicted!. If you do it many times a day and think about it everytime, you have a problem!. If you just do it sometimes per week, I do not think it is a problem!.
Remember this: It is much better that you masturbate, than make love with a lot of different people!.
Try not to make the masturbating bad by thinking of exact people!. Just do it to let the pressure leave!.
If you do not masturnate you will propably have more bad thougts, and it will be more difficult for you to concentrate about God and the people around you!. And it is a psycically healty thing to do!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

God damn here and god damn there, this is not religion and spirituality so keep that shitty "Masturbation is a sin" in that spirituality and religion section!. If it really was sinning then 99% of all men in the world would be sinning!. There is nothing wrong with masturbating, but there is something wrong with that crap about that it is sinning!. Bieng a christian is becomming more like a sickness than like a beliverance now!. Man!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Brandon, It is natural for all men to masturbate!. If you do not masturbate, you will have what is called "wet dreams"!. How would you feel if your mom found dried semen stains on your shorts or bedding!? I have been masturbating since I was about 13!. I am now 60 and still do it!. I was also a church elder in my last church and was the church treasurer for 15 years!. I have heard said that all men masturbate and those who say they don't are probably liars!.
If you are up to it, how about talking to your pastor about it!. In confidence of course!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Its not a sin but it eventually it can cause you to commit fornication without being married and your not old enough!. Remember, your a male and your touching the male organ!. Not normal! Studies have found that men who masturbate can develope prostate cancer and if you develope prostate cancer you wont have anything but a nub to rub!. Not a pretty sight!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Look!. Okay!. I was a Christian but now I'm Agnostic!. I'm not gonna say your beliefs are wrong!. But masturbating is normal if you're a teenager lol And okay!. whoooo! You're a sinner!. Congrats! lol But seriously!.!.!.when you really think about it!. everyone is a sinner!. So you don't have to stop!. Mastubating is okay!. Stop thinking about "God" when you masturbate!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

*rolling on the floor laughing my *** off*
no seriously!. you've got to be kidding me!. i am deeply ashamed of the human race and the fact that they've for centuries lied about a man in the sky to control the population!. but the fact that they've got you thinking masterbation is a sin and hetero sex is favorable in a time when the world is greatly over populated!.!.!.wow!.!.!.you should do some reading and true "soul" searching cause the wool pulled over your eyes is so thick i wouldnt be suprised if you've already scratched your eyes out!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

JUST GET A GIRLFRIEND! masturbating is wrong!. its so freakin desperate!. and when you get a girlfriend, dont **** her!. just enjoy everything thats not INTERCOURSE related! masturbating is so ******* disgusting!. find a lover and no matter how bad your stomach hurts from boners you get, KEEP IT IN AND DONT ****Www@Answer-Health@Com

I personally don't see it as a sin!. I'm eighteen, and I do it sometimes!.
Basically, when you feel the urge to do it, distract yourself!. Read, dance, do whatever occupies your time!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It is actually unhealthy to not masturbate!. It is proven that it is healthier for men to masturbate because it reduces the risk of prostate cancer and such!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You are spilling your seed upon the ground, according to the good book it is wrong, however, most men do it I dont care who they are, what age they are so just go with it!.!.!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well, tremendous self-discipline is the only way!. But, I don't think that "God" has any problem with it!. It's as natural as anything else that you do!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you need more self - control, learn how to "tame" it and when you get the urge just go outside and relax go and run a mile or something that keeps you working!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Its not a sin, if anything its better than going out and actually having sex!. As for stopping for good that's only something you can controll, theres really no set way to just stop!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Im sorry everyone!. i will be leaving you all!. i have sinned more then a thousand times!. Dear god,
please dont send me to hell!.
Harold the "sinner"Www@Answer-Health@Com

Relax and enjoy it!. If their really was a god she would be pretty weird to be against such a healthy and enjoyable activity!.
Who told you it was sinful!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

haha first off god doesnt even exist, if you believe god exists your completely delusional, and secondly, theres nothing wrong with masturbating!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

its just a 10 second sensation!.you will get borred and it sucks more that you have to clean the sperm and it still comesWww@Answer-Health@Com

THEN JUST QUIT It is just not a sin, but once you start having real sex with someone - you may have problems, because it is not the same as using your hand!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

cutting your dick off would be the most effective or when feel the urge think about something really lame like baseball or an ugly chick or something of that natureWww@Answer-Health@Com

maybe you should pick up a hobby that will will influence you in a more positive and constructive way!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

wen you think your about to just stop yourself you have got to stop on your own!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

u should not feel bad i do the same thing and I'm christian and I'm a girl and its naturalWww@Answer-Health@Com

omg its not a sin just keep doing it, if it was a sin everyone would go to hellWww@Answer-Health@Com

Don't let urslf get tempted!.!.!. stay in the public, or leave doors open etc!.!.!. WILLPOWER IS NEEDED!.!.!. just kno that there is nuttin wrong wid it!.!.!. =]Www@Answer-Health@Com

Get married or find a girlfriend and have sex nonstop!. Beyond that - you're on your own! (literally)Www@Answer-Health@Com

this is normalll and im sure god wont punish you for masturbating!Www@Answer-Health@Com

masturbation is not a sin!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Just STOP!. Its as simple as thatWww@Answer-Health@Com

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