Need help with body (pics)?!

Question: Need help with body (pics)!?
Ok!.!.!.so I look a little something like this
This was taken a few months ago!. As you can see I have an extremely "weed-like" physique!. I've always been skinny though so I can't help it!.
What I was wondering, if any of you can give a guy like me some body building tips!. I wanna be ripped like the Hoff back in the 80s!.

Dont worry!. Someone that is good with photoshop can remove that giant mole on your forehead!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

well from what I can see your not into steroids which is a good thing and is how many in the 80s got that "ripped" look, without the usuall poses and from this picture I can see (please excuse the laymen terms) your forearms and the back of your upper arms need working on and your upper legs and calf's, with that being said from what I can see your a*s needs more pumping too!. (lol, so to speak!)
I am sure you are familiar with the different workouts you can do to improve on these areas!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I couldn't see your body from the mid-torso to the feet to make a full judgement for 'weedlike' physique!. What I see is good enough to run my hands over, but of course, i'd do that to the lower extremities too!. I am surprised, with all the bodybuilding you've done, it didn't develop so much below the waist!. Could it be because you are in an older age group where the body doesn't build up below the waist as much as above the waist!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I guess it's never too late to begin!. You need to eat a balanced diet & get more exercise!. Lay off the junk food & Fast Food Restaurants!. Eat plenty of boiled or steamed vegetables!. Slack off the starchy stuff, like potatoes, pasta, bread, spicy, highly seasoned or fried foods!. Meats need to be baked, boiled or broiled - never fried!. Get up an hour early every morning & take a brisk 30 minute walk - and do the same thing in the eveneing after dinner!. All the things above will make you feel & look so much better after 90 days, you will be surprised!. You can add on doing sit ups, push ups, pull ups, skipping rope, etc!. to add a little variety & help bulk up!. If you are thinking about joining a gym for weight lifting - go to AOL Search - and type in - Scott H!. Young's Weighlifting for Beginners & pick up a variety of good tips & information you may need!. Good Luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

what the hell!? your name is "Emily"!? are you a transexual or just gay!?

what are you talking about!?!?!? that is not skinny!!! this is skiny:




You have a condition called Vigorexia or muscle dysmorphia , when a person works out compulsibly and never sees any satisfaction or muscle growt andd see them selves as skiny and weak, the opposite of anorexia!.


I honestly recoment you see a dr psichiatrist and reach for some tweezers or cool waxWww@Answer-Health@Com

Oh honey:( You really need to hit the gym! I hope you don't have a time frame cuz it gonna take you a loooong time to look like the Hoff!
Maybe you could go for a Lou Ferrigno look instead I think that's a little more reasonable!
I had no idea you were married:( but I do love your bracelet!

I have never wanted to pluck anyone's eyebrows as bad as I do yours!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I find this photo very arousing indeed!. Well I'd suggest fruit yogurt drinks and possibly a pair of rollerblades!. You also could use some serious manscaping (can we say WAXING!?)
If all else fails, you could always pad yourself with pillows or get blow up additions to attach to your appendages (all of them!.!.if ya get my drift)!. Anyway, good luck and have fun!Www@Answer-Health@Com

First you say you look a little something like the pic, then you say it is you, so who is telling little porkies then !?!?
With a name like Emily I wonder what you really look like Www@Answer-Health@Com

no sorry cant tell you but ask your dance partner!. He should be able to tell you what to do!. Probably tell you where to stk it too!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Has anyone ever noticed how small someones head looks when they do have a big muscled out body!? Www@Answer-Health@Com

o my god!!!!!!!!!!!!! its orribleeeeeeeeeeeeeee

sorry !Www@Answer-Health@Com


Take the weedeater to those brows, my friend!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Sexy!. I would oil you up and bang you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hey, who painted the face on the dildo!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

:( sorry, there's no way out
from ur pic u could really go for that harry potter look ;)Www@Answer-Health@Com

either wrong link or its a joke!. the guy in the pic is ripped!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you ARE ripped like Hoff in the 80s!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com


You wish! hahaWww@Answer-Health@Com

are you a top or a bottom!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

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