How do I increase my chances of growing much taller when I get older?!

Question: How do I increase my chances of growing much taller when I get older!?
I'm 14 and I'm 6 feet and I'm already taller than both of my parents!. But I want to grow up to 7 feet!. Should I sleep more!? What kinds of foods can I eat!? Anything that might help me increase my chances of growing much taller when I get older!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

1) Get plenty of sleep, but not too much!.!.!.For a teen, I'd say get around 8-9 hours!. Better yet, just go to sleep early and wake up on your own terms!.!.!.just make sure not to be late to school!.

2) Eat foods rich in protein, and don't take in too many carbs (as this can stunt your growth!. Why do you think Asians tend to be short!? 'Cause they eat a lot of rice!.!.!.makes sense, right!?)!.

3) Drink enough water - at least 8 glasses, spread throughout the day!.

4) Keep good posture - always sit/stand up straight!.

5) When you go to sleep, don't sleep on your stomach!.!.!.Sleep either on your back with a pillow beneath your legs (starting from knees on down), to help more blood flow to your brain), or on your side with a pillow between your legs for support!.

6) Make sure you get plenty of exercise!. Exercise will promote growth!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

All you can really do is help your body reach it's genetic maximum height!. Make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep a day, each healthy (get a lot of calcium, vitamin D, and potassium) do not have any caffiene, and exercise!. Stretching helps too!.

Most likely, though, if genetically, your body isn't programed to reach 7 feet, you wont!. and if you are already taller than both your parents, chances are you won't be 7 feet tall!.

I was 6'2" when i was 14, and stopped growing, but then when i turned 21, i started growing again!. Now i'm 23, and I'm close to 7 feet tall!. so it is not impossible, but probably unlikely!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well, my brother is like you! He begun to play tennis and he went to swim, so that helped a little!. You can't eat something to make you grow up, and sleeping is not very help full, actually, IT IS more about genetics!.!.!. If you are all ready taller than your parents, you can probably grow just a little bit more and that's it!.!.!. So, play tennis and get some swimming!Www@Answer-Health@Com

u cant make up ur hight depends on ur parents if they are tall u will be look at ur fathers hightWww@Answer-Health@Com

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