im 16 and there is this guy at my school i really like! i sit next to him in class!. i think he likes me!. he is always staring at me and he gets really quiet around me!. the problem is i get super quiet around him too and don't know what to say so it is so awkward! but he is always staring at me and i pretend i don't notice so i think i am scaring him off and he probably thinks im not interested when i really am! how can i overcome my shyness and look back at him!?!?!? i like him sooooo much but im scared of looking back at him what do i do!!?!? help me!. he probably thinks i hate him because i kind of pretend he doesnt exist because i never look at him i am so shy around him what do i do!?!?!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well, if you like this boy, I advise you to quite simply, make a move!. when he sits next to you, just think "okay, he might like me as much as i like him, so what's holding me back!?" just look at him, smile a little bit, and then look away!. Eventually, he'll come to you!. And if a conversation starts, talk about something ur both interested in!.

I hope it works out for you guys!! =)Www@Answer-Health@Com

It's easy to convince him that you like him back, turn to him when he stares at you and if he glances away real quick, stare at him, then when he looks quickly avert your sight!. Do this for a few days, trust me, he'll notice, and he'll get the picture!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

grow upWww@Answer-Health@Com

lols orry this is so funnny sorry this is the stuff i was doing in thje 4th grade seriously

anyways no one can help u overcome ur shyness that has to come from within u have to know that u have to go out and get what u want or someone might get it for u and there is a chance that he might not like u cus at ur age and mine we openly ask people out have sex and stuff not look at people and when they look at u look away that's elementary stuff grow up sorry to say that but thats the truthWww@Answer-Health@Com

You're spinning your wheels with worry!. The only way out of this is to clear the air!. Look for him at lunch time or after class!. Take your courage in both hands, walk up to him and say, "Hi, my name is -- and I like you but I'm really shy"!. Then stand back and wait for the sky to fall (it won't)!. The worst that can happen is for him to say he's not interested - in which case you know how he feels and you don't have to worry about it anymore!. But probably he's shy too, and will be grateful to you for breaking through the ice!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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