I have a few personal questions?!

Question: I have a few personal questions!?
Hi, im 15 years old!. in about 6 days im going to see a specialist about a circumcision!.

i was wondering if you have any tips/ advice on this
i have done Research and feel comfortable about getting it done!. i have a few concerns but i find its better off this way

i am getting it done for a few reasons!. its partially uncomfortable and alot of people like making fun of the topic, causing me so become uncomfortable

if you have any advice id be greatly appreciated Www@Answer-Health@Com

Wait, so you dont actually have a medical issue right now!? Why do you want it done!? Some people can feel pressured in to getting it done for all the wrong reasons and some people that get it done regret it because of things they may not have thought of before the procedure!.

One quick example is when it comes to masturbation, oral, or handjobs there will no longer be a mobile skin to move for pleasure, instead something lubricated (like a hand) must be moved up and down the penis for pleasure!. This creates two main issues, one the need for a good lubricant, and two, since the hand itself doesn't recieve pleasure (like the foreskin would) sensation would be reduced as well!. Also, as for sex, the lack of mobile skin can also create a "rawing" sensation in some women, even with plenty of lube!. This can happen because the foreskin provided "give" and "padding" to improve pleasure and lessen the need for artificial lube!. Of course, these affect everyone differently, but it is something to consider!.

And another thing many people are mislead about it are "medical benefits"!. You may have seen some articles talking about a certain benefit, but it is so controversial right now that there are no guarantees, there are counter studies and arguments for everything I have read about medical benefits!.

Actually, Thomas The Titan, most people are left intact!.!.!. and most of those that are circed are not given a choice about it!. You cant really relate frequency with satisfaction!. Even US circ rates are nearing 50%, and even if in his area rates are higher, the frequency of circumcisions are going down, not up, especially on the west coast!.

ADD: Hmmm, honestly, I can understand how you could want to get it done if your friends are!.!.!. I am circed and despite circ being more common where I grew up, most of my friends were intact!. So I somewhat felt like the odd man out!. But heres the thing, even if I was to have grown up with more circed friends, I know I would still rather be intact now!. Why!? The big ones are the practical puposes I mentioned earlier, but also that being intact is NATURAL, it is not some sort of deformity or useless skin!. I know it would be more fun and pleasureable during sex and foreplay!. I hate seeing the circ scar knowing it was just something done out of insecurity and conformity (my dad is intact and grew up with almost 80% circ rates)!.

Also, I realize you may have good friends now, but once you graduate and get out in the "real world" you will lose some of the friends you have now, and gain new ones!.!.!. which can happen several times!. Dont feel presurred by your current friends, and certainly dont feel like something is wrong with you!. Any stigma you are feeling is just out of ignorance!. What will matter most later is what YOU want, what you think is best for your life!. I hope all this helps, if you have any other thought, feel free to ask!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

15 is very late!. I think you should research and reconsider!. I know a guy who got it done at 21 and regrets it!. It removes very sensitive tissue, and does not allow a full erection!. I hear that sex is not as good!.
You can train your foreskin to sit behind the head of your penis, and no one would know or be able to tell that you are not circumcised!. It takes a couple weeks, and it's a little uncomfortable at first, but I think that its a much better alternative!.
Also, when a woman has sex with an uncircumcised person it is much more comfortable!. It just feels right!!
I wouldn't do it!. I would ask men and women about their experience with both types of penis'!. And don't be embarrassed!. This is your life, and a very important portion of it I might add!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

I wish you wouldn't get it done just because all your friends are circumcised!. There are more and more boys not being circumcised!. I have 2 grandsons that are not circumcised, and that's because their dad and his brothers are not also!.

But then if you feel very strongly about it I guess it's your body and you are old enough to make that decision for yourself!.

I wish you the best young man!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

- hey ski4me !

- well!.!.!.!.!.
- it's kinda hard 2 say anything about the subject, cuz ether way is equally as good
- whether U have a foreskin or not, both ways have their ups & downs!.
- I only envy the fact that U at least had the opportunity 2 be able 2 chose U're faith!.
- in my time, we had no chose in the matter!.

- I hope that all go well for U & I wish U all the best of luck little bro !
- chow!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Circumcision is the removal of the foreskin on the penis!. Overall, more people are circumcised as opposed to not!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

dont make fun of me but,what the hell is a circumcisionWww@Answer-Health@Com

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