Just want to know your opinion if I'm gay??!

Question: Just want to know your opinion if I'm gay!?!?
I am 14 years old and I like girls and I find them attractive my whole life but right now I keep thinking of men and I don't like it because it's messed up!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Ok bro first of all you aint gay!. People do think of the same sex!. I do it to some times and wonder if im gay then i think what hell of course not all i do is think about girls most of the time or day dream about them!. If you question that your gay your obviously not!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

this really depends on what you think of when you think about guys!. by what you say, I think you want the truth!. right!? your 14 and like girls!. that is great!. but if you think about men in a sexual way then it might mean that you could be bi-sexual!. if you think about guys in a sports kind of way then you are not!. as long as you keep thinking of girls and liking them then the worst you can be is bi and that is nothing to worry about, you will figure it out!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Sexual orientation isn't just something you decide, it's just how it is!. Therefore, I cannot tell you what you are!. However, I will tell you this: it is not "messed up" to like another man!.!.!. don't be so damn insecure!.
That just pisses me right off!.
You don't need to know everything about yourself when you're only 14!.!. and you're never going to know who you are if you don't accept YOURSELF for liking something!.

Whoever gave me a thumb down is SO stupid!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

That's not a whole lot of information to work with!. If you think being gay is bad, you handle it accordingly like you would anything that you think is bad!. Avoid getting into any situations that might instill thoughts of being with other men!. Being gay isn't bad really!. its just a lifestyle!.

Damien S!.N!.

na bro dnt worry bout that!. maybe your just curious to know what other guys look like I was the same when I was your age you start to grow out of it you might just want to know if your the same as others(size,hairiness,c*m) no orrys you'll figure out if your gay bi or straight!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

if you think your gay find a guy any guy and go kiss him on the lips,like no way dude,ok now find a hot girl and and go up to her and kiss her on her hot lips and make out with her in your first hour class and then tell me who you like the best!.!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

oh, please, everone thinks about both sexes, at one time or another, and in your teens, it is perfectly normal!.

I like girls, too!.!.
am I "messed up"!? No!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

No!. At your age it is really common to have crushes on either sex!. Don't worry about it, it passes and you will be ok with women!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Everyone feels this way at one point or another!. You're young and curious, stop worring about it!. That's one of the reasons college exists!. The feelings will go away eventually!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you like girls so your not gay could be bi !.!.!.!.!.but there is nothing wrong with either of that!.!.!.!.

if you need someone to talk to xmcrguyx@yahoo!.com !.!.!.!.i am also 14 and i am gayWww@Answer-Health@Com

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