Why do men have stronger sex drives then women?!

Question: Why do men have stronger sex drives then women!?
And why is it that men rape people more often than women!?

And why is it that women are often in a relationship for love and men are in it for sex!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Sex drive doesnt differ with gender!. Sex drive changes frm person to person!. There are fems too with higher sex drive!.

However raping isnt just linked to high sex drive!. Its associated to aggressiveness and sadistic mental condition!. Men are generally aggressive and when this is boosted by a criminal urge and sex drive, it results in rape!.

Your third question is really deep!. The primary focus of a female is relationship!. She is designed by mother nature to connect to others!. Females develop better command over communication and relationships with others compared to males!. Thats is what she evolved into!.!.!.defending the nest and looking after her young ones!. Men on the other end are competetive, and aggessive!. He was a hunter and protector, expected to look after his women and children from threats from outside!. While women connect love to sex, for men, love is love and sex is sex!. Their brain is compartmentalised to focus on one matter at a time unlike that of a female, who's brain is interconnected and one emotion might trigger another and that another!.

Read john Grey's - Men are from mars and women are from Venus!.


Why men dont listen and womn cant read maps by Allan & Barbara Pease!.

These books will give you a new insight into your opposite sex!.!.!.a must when it comes to your personal life!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Its in our evolution to want sex with women and to get them pregnant!. Men rape women because of the urge to have sex and they haven't learned to control their emotions!. I like to love a women I am with and not to just have sex!. I don't see how one can have sex and not love their partner!. But I think men are in for just sex because of today's society!. Maybe they have big egos or they just are so lustful for a women's body they just want to experience more than one women!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Re sex drive:

During evolution of humans (and other animals, to be sure), sexes have adopted (generally) different approaches to spreading their genes!. Males do this by trying to have as many offspring as possible!. This then translates, or (perhaps better) is expressed as men sleeping around more and being more interested in intercourse than women!.

A part of the evolutionary strategy is testosterone, which induces aggressive behaviour and makes males more competitive!. Males have had -- and we still do -- to compete for sex!.

Remember, I'm talking in evolutionary terms, so individual variation is always possible!. Humans have can (often) suppress their urges!. This doesn't mean that women don't enjoy sex or don't want to have sex, either!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

my brain & things readWww@Answer-Health@Com

how would a woman rape a man for a start!? and it tends to be the man is incharge and has as said above testosterone with only one thing in their mind, sex!Www@Answer-Health@Com

rape has more to do with having control over someone and it's not just a man's sex drive!. We are testosterone factories which is the hormone behind sex drive!. And men want love too, boys just want sex!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Try reading The Naked Ape by Desmond Morris, excellent book!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Because we are awesome!.Www@Answer-Health@Com


adam and eveWww@Answer-Health@Com

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