Why do i get an erection at the urinal?!


Why do i get an erection at the urinal?

does anybody else get this

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1 week ago
i dont touch ******* on the urinal u spaz .. and learn to write in english ...


I don't suffer from this issue. Upon reading your question I thought to myself, 'oh, he's just gay and urinals can definitly be symbolic of a place to find what he's looking for,' but upon further thought, I am now wondering if you maybe have a urinal fetish? As fetishes go, yours would definitely count as 'normal.' People sexualize a lot of stuff. The former could be somewhat true as well. Maybe you're excited about whats goes on there. I don't know how you identify sexually but if you happen to be a straight male don't fret. History dictates that sexuality isn't black and white but it does have degrees. You may not be
hyper-heterosexual which shouldn't be anything to worry about because all that matter is character. Live the life of a good person but let your sexual proclivities be what they may. If we all follow this advice, then we'll create a
sex-positive society that encourages people to be who they are and remove the dangerous behaviors from the equation that has be created by a sex-negative society.

I am not sure if anything I offered helps but at the most basic level only you know whats going on inside of your head when you approach a urinal. Being completely candid with yourself will get you the best answer to your question. Peace!

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