Why and how are the smaller younger kids really truly stronger?!


Why and how are the smaller younger kids really truly stronger?

For example in my aunts/uncles family got 3 boys and the smallest one of them (11) almost 12, always causes comotion and havoc (granted they are all not so innocent themselves) and when they play wrestle or even fight up a storm, the smallest boy always ends up hurting the other TWO (14)(16)! And he is at least a foot if not more shorter, much lighter and 3-5 years younger, Oh and his mouthing off is worst too. Veins run throughout his arms and legs in a way that they dont with his brothers. Wonder if that has to do with his strength?
Now I would have expected this to come from the 16 year old cause he is bigger and would show that he is the best and the boss. And its so wierd because thier 11 yr old doesn't lift weights do karate or anything that would help him beat up his two older brothers, but it happens anyways. And it is real.
What gives?


It should be obvious that age and size aren't the only things that determine how strong a person is.

Genetics play a huge role. (remember that, unless they're identical twins, brothers have different genetics even though the parents are the same.) You can have two boys of the same age who eat the same diet, but one might be much much stronger than the other, and gain muscle faster from the same amount of exercise.

Experiences also play a role. Perhaps the youngest son happens to be bullied at school, so has developed better fighting skills. Perhaps the two older ones have had major injuries, so they are more cautious about getting hurt during fighting, while the youngest might fight more recklessly (and successfully) b/c he's not holding back through fear of getting hurt.

Also, there's mental state. The youngest might be more serious about it than his brothers, and more willing than them to put everything he has into a fight. Just because the 16 year old wants to "show he is the best and the boss" doesn't mean he is actually willing to do what it takes to win a fight. Actually, if the 16 year old is smarter than average, he realizes that being "the best and the boss" means that he must NEVER do anything as cowardly as beating up someone smaller than him.

Finally, those are pretty big veins. Have you tested him for steroid use?

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