Question about Steroids?!


Question about Steroids?

My buddy is on a cycle of Dianabol only 10mg pills, he takes 2 every day right now and will take 3 every day into his 3rd week and then will lower it back down to 2 a day his last 2 weeks. My question is will he see any "side effects" on it such as "b*tch ****" acne, yellowing of the skin? he will be on the cycle for 5 weeks I think. Our other friend was on the same and saw a gain of about 20 pounds and lost about 6 after he came off the cycle but didnt have any side effects and had no liver problems ( he had a blood test right after he got off ). I just want to know what side effects he will see. What are the major side effects of this steroid? I dont need people telling me anything else other than what im asking. So please dont comment unless it pertains to my question. Simple question = simple answer. I dont need anyone telling me that I shouldnt do them or my friends shouldnt since im not going to and my friend already is doing them. Thank

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4 weeks ago
Uh yeah like I said dont give me any lip or ill report you.

4 weeks ago
Again I get people who dont give me any kind of answer but "dont use them" IM NOT GOING TO DO THEM!!! Im asking a damn simple question about the side effects of a particular steroid!!!


TexJeff111. You REALLY need to educate yourself:

Do yourself a favor and learn the facts before you try to preach lies...

To the person who asked this question... Dianabol is a very strong oral steroid. It's the second harshest on the liver (second to Anadrol). I'd say that 20mg or 30mg per day for 5 weeks should cause no major problems. However, with a pre-existing liver condition - problems could arise.

The yellowing of the skin and eyes is a result of Jaundice. There is a compound that's important to take while on a strong oral steroids. It's called UDCA (ursodeoxycholic acid). The "legal" version is called TUDCA (Tauroursodeoxycholic acid). This will help save the liver from Cholestasis (do the research on that word if you need to). 250-500mg per day.

Other side effects like Gynocomastia could come into play. See for information on how to avoid gynocomastia. Or for general information on steroid use.

If he's predisposed to male pattern baldness, he could lose some hair. Sometimes it grows back, sometimes it doesn't.. Acne on the face, back, neck and shoulders is common.. Water retension is also common..

When all is said and done, a good amount of muscle can be gained and kept. However, it's very important to research steroids to know the ins and outs before doing them... The links I provided are excellent...

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