What can I do if my foreskin stuck behind the gland(head)?!


What can I do if my foreskin stuck behind the gland(head)?

I know there's many similar questions around, but I think mine kinda different from them. My question is if its stuck behind, anything I can do besides trying to pull it back from?Can I actually just leave it there, with the full exposure of my glands?Is there any effects or bacteria will affect my pennis?And also that,I can only slide my foreskin backward when its not erect,thus I am afraid that if I slide back my foreskin before erect,after it erects my foreskin will stuck behind,can I jus leave it so?or it is a bad idea to do so?


Although it's a different situation, it's still caused by a common symptom; it's tight.

For some people leaving it behind the head (and the head fully exposed) is harmless, but for others it can be too tight and affect blood circulation negatively.

My advice is to go in the shower, and try to pull it down so it covers the head again. Use a lubricant and warm water to make it easier.

After you do that, you need to get it loose. It's not that tough to do (I did it) and you can do it without surgery. I posted the following in another question, but it should help you.


Some may say that circumcision will fix it, but circumcision's risks include reduction in sensitivity and pleasure, and making masturbation more difficult according to studies. There's a reason why the USA is the last remaining advanced nation still doing it, and even so, it's getting a lot less popular. Save that as a last resort, as you're doing.

I was the same when I was younger, and now it slides fine with no problems whatsoever. Just pull back your foreskin when you shower the most you can without forcing it, and rub the head. That should encourage it to separate from the head. This is probably all you have to do, since this is common especially with teens. You just haven't 'used' it enough, as in masturbation and washing it. The same goes for sensitivity; the more your rub it the less sensitive it'll get (start using water when you shower then rub a little more each day).

And if its rather tight, you can get a cream that works in almost 95% of cases. It's 0.05% betamethasone or betamethasone dipropionate. And unlike circumcision it is very cheap ($12 in the USA), painless, and you don't risk decreasing sensitivity/pleasure and making masturbation more difficult.

Try that cream. It works. Doctors often just mention circumcision since its a surgery that brings a lot of money to them, especially in the USA.

If you feel that it's necessary, e-mail me from my profile since I've gone through this. I'll be happy to answer any questions.

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