Pink mucus??!

Question: i had a fever for about 3 days and it went away today and today i started to get a runny nose as well as a cough and a sore throat..i was blowing my nose when i notices that there was/ is a traces of blood in my mucus(i know looking at you mucus is gross!!) is it a problem that need medical attention or will it just go away on its own?

Answers: i had a fever for about 3 days and it went away today and today i started to get a runny nose as well as a cough and a sore throat..i was blowing my nose when i notices that there was/ is a traces of blood in my mucus(i know looking at you mucus is gross!!) is it a problem that need medical attention or will it just go away on its own?

Sounds like you blew too hard and ruptured a capillary blood vessel (tiny blood vessels in your nose that warm the air you inhale). If its a one time deal I wouldn't think too much of it. If it happens a lot, and you have sort of chest pain, shortness of breath, etc.. I would have a physician check it out asap.

Sounds like a sinus problem. Go to a doctor.

i get blood in my mucus often ... i asked a nurse and she said its from pressure or blowing your nose too hard ... i think youd be fine but just incase u should probably consult a real nurse or doctor and not some 17 yr old :)

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