What foods irritate a stomach ulcer?!

Question: Things that are acidic, like tomato juice/soup or pasta sauce, orange juice. Stop taking aspirins and anti-inflammitory stuff. Avoid alcohol and coffee. Don't drink much milk - milk stimulates acid secretion (contrary to popular belief). Try not to snack as often so your stomach doesn't have to produce acid constantly to break down food and avoid eating a few hours before bed otherwise that puts pressure on the cardiac sphincter muscle at the top of the stomach and the acid can leak into your esophagus and lead to acid reflux. Smoking can delay healing of an ulcer also.

Answers: Things that are acidic, like tomato juice/soup or pasta sauce, orange juice. Stop taking aspirins and anti-inflammitory stuff. Avoid alcohol and coffee. Don't drink much milk - milk stimulates acid secretion (contrary to popular belief). Try not to snack as often so your stomach doesn't have to produce acid constantly to break down food and avoid eating a few hours before bed otherwise that puts pressure on the cardiac sphincter muscle at the top of the stomach and the acid can leak into your esophagus and lead to acid reflux. Smoking can delay healing of an ulcer also.

Acidic food like citrus - orange juice. And greasy foods too

alcohol, tomatoes, orange juice, lemon juice

Avoid spicy,creamy aciddict and the softdrinks and the alchohol.Try to add some mint herbs in your food it will settled down the irritation of your stomach.

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