Second hand smoke v/s welding smoke?!

Question: A report tonight on my local news (WAVY TV 10 in Norfolk Va.) aired a story about one of our cities banning smoking, and a woman, whose husband was a shipyard welder for 20 years, who never smoked, died of lung cancer last year.This was used as an example of why smoking in public places should be banned. Don't get me wrong here, I'm not arguing for smoking, smoking killed my dad 2 years ago. My whole point is, if a person is exposed to known carcinogens daily for 20 years(welding smoke from arc welding contains known carcinogens, every can of welding rods has the warning listed) doesn't it stand to reason that if his cancer was anything but ideopathic, he got it from welding smoke, not 2nd hand smoke that he may have been exposed to for maybe 3 hours a week, v/s minimum 40 hours a week exposed to cacinogenic gasses emitted from welding? I called the TV news desk to inform them of this, they simply don't care.

Answers: A report tonight on my local news (WAVY TV 10 in Norfolk Va.) aired a story about one of our cities banning smoking, and a woman, whose husband was a shipyard welder for 20 years, who never smoked, died of lung cancer last year.This was used as an example of why smoking in public places should be banned. Don't get me wrong here, I'm not arguing for smoking, smoking killed my dad 2 years ago. My whole point is, if a person is exposed to known carcinogens daily for 20 years(welding smoke from arc welding contains known carcinogens, every can of welding rods has the warning listed) doesn't it stand to reason that if his cancer was anything but ideopathic, he got it from welding smoke, not 2nd hand smoke that he may have been exposed to for maybe 3 hours a week, v/s minimum 40 hours a week exposed to cacinogenic gasses emitted from welding? I called the TV news desk to inform them of this, they simply don't care.

I am all for a ban on smoking in public places. (AND I AM A SMOKER).

But using this was just absurd. This is the world we live in. You must believe us and if you do not we do not care about you. This goes right along with CA wanting to take control of the heat and AC in everyones who lives in CA homes.

We are the government and we know what is best for you so lt us cauddle you from the time you are an infant till you die. I am getting so sick of all of this crap. Why can people now days not grow up and become productive citizens? I am not a follower, I am not a sheep. But so many americans today just do what they are told to do by the left wing idiot media and left wing morons up in DC. It is sad to see this happen to our once great country.

These same people want to give trophies to the kids that were too lazy to work hard and came in last place. They teach them the wrong things in the school and when you ask the schools why they are teaching the wrong things then they get mad and treat you like dirt. These are the people who think that adding 4 steps to a simple math problem is teaching kids the right way. These are also the people who want to take our rights away. Yet so many people will give up their right with no fight at all.

Sad sad days are here to stay and there are more to come in this once great country.

Both are horrible!!!

There is no significant proof that second hand smoke causes cancer or kills those who do not smoke.

Those laboratory results using mice are worthless. They give those mice more doses of cigarette smoke at one time, than a normal non-smoker would ever get in one day. Of course the mouse is going to form cancer from cigarette smoke, you just blasted it with 10days worth of smoke in about 10 secs......

The media stretches everything beyond it's truthful point....

Hey I missed that I'm down here in EC, NC but the ya the correlation is horrible. Because many things trades people work with are hazardous. Now I'm not saying second hand smoke doesn't cause lung cancer, unlike the other person, there are studies involving humans and there is evidence. But basically being exposed to carcinogens and inhaling them is the worst way outside of a direct line into you bloodvessels.

How horrible! I don't understand how it relates to secondhand smoking in a public area at all. Any chronic airway irritant has the capacity for causing cancer and it was something that he did to himself-he didn't wear any type of protective equipment even though it's strongly encouraged by the manufacturer of welding materials and supplies.
Smokers expose those around them to harmless chemicals everytime they're in public and there are MANY different cases of secondand smoke causing lung diseases and different reactions.
I work in a hospital and I am around children everyday whose parents smoke and make them sick-infants who can't get well because their parents expose them to carcinogens several times a day...when are these people gonna wise up?

Look, I'm not saying that secondhand cigarette smoke is safe, but I am saying that it is no more dangerous than most of the stuff we breathe on a daily basis. The only reason cigarettes are being singled out is because a lot of people "don't like the smell."

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