How to get rid of headlice?!

Question: my sisters had them for yeaaaaars and its annoying to try not to catch it, how can she bloody get rid of it??!

Answers: my sisters had them for yeaaaaars and its annoying to try not to catch it, how can she bloody get rid of it??!

She first needs to see her doctor for confirmation that indeed lice is present. Lice can then be treated with over the counter or prescription products. The products that kill head lice don't usually kill all the nits. To reduce the risk of another infestation, she will need to pick the remaining lice and nits by hand or by using a special comb. You would comb through all of the hair one section at a time every 3 days or more often, for at least 2 weeks or until you stop seeing any lice or nits. You also need to use hot water to wash any bed linens, towels, and clothing that were recently worn. Vacuum anything that can't be washed. You can read more here

you have to buy and use that stuff called 'Rid'.

shave your head

Use a special shampoo, follow the instructions on it.
Ask a doctor to help.

Cut her hair really short, or just cut it all off- that would do the job.

The have a shampoo RID it works...

Um, have you ever heard of a doctor you moron?

This helps: go to an indian store and buy coconut oil and rub it deeply into your skull

wash ur hair in olive oil

if you have had it for years this is not good at all. it can cause all sorts of infected diseases towards others.
if its true visit a beauty clinic they sorted it for me. but make sure u bring ur own things!

john shorb

you what to tell somebady (duh!) then their is specail shampu that you can get

tell her to wash her hair like 10 times a day. or go to google and type in how to get rid of headlice. maybe some other people can give you ways.

Cut her hair, short. It doesnt have to be SO short, but like stylish if you want. and you can get shampooo to get rid of them. BUT as weird as this sounds, my younger cousin had em, and my uncle used to use vinegar EVERYtime she took a shower. but be careful not to get it in her eyes. So like, wash her hair with vinegar, the live shampoo and etc etc. gradually they'll all go away.

go to the doctor and he Will perscibe a special shampoo ! and if you don't do that get her a flea collar or something lol ! i also heard if u put mayonnaise allover your head/scalp they have to come to the top to breathe then u just rinse them out !

You need to go to the doctors and get a solution, or if he cant do that ask him to refer you to a specialist. This can usually be solved within a week. I dont know the name of it though!

With a shampoo and comb from the pharmancy. Everyone in your household has to be treated or they'll keep comming back.

Get a nit comb and some hair conditioner.

1) Wash hair
2) Apply loads of conditioner.
3) Use nit comb on hair and pick out the lice and nits.
4) Rinse out.
5) Repeat every day

If you really make sure that you comb each strand of hair the lice will all be gone after two or three days.

Either shave your head, or buy stuff called Rid. You could also check your salon to see if they have any special treatments, but they might not.

Good Luck!!

straighten you hair help to fry them out, go through each hair with a special lice comb and try to pull them out, and there are some products that u keep in your hair. put it in, then put your hair in saran rap tightly, so nothing can escape. the product will kill the lice, and then rinse out the product after 1 hour.

you can get a prescription from your dr called OVIDE.
You can also get tea tree oil shampoo at a healthfood store and maybe some pharmacys to use every day but you still wont completly get rid of them unless you treat the entire house! Spray everything! with the rid bedding spray!

Just comb her hair well, put clearifying shampoo on, and go to the doctor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

There are chemical hair treatments that she can get that are designed to kill the lice. They are like a type of tar shampoo. The other option is to shave her head, which is good for boys and not so good for girls.

so to the store, get Rid, headlice remover. Follow those instructions. Was all clothing, bedding pillows etc in HOT water and dry for at least 1 hour on HIGH HEAT. Vacuum real well your beds floors, etc. Put stuffed animals in plastic bags for 2 weeks, sealed real well. lot of work but you can get rid of them. good luck.

Use baby oil and comb them out with a fine comb. It stops their eggs from sticking.The eggs die if they are not suck to the hair.Leave the babt oil in for 2-3 days.This was the only thing that worked when I had them because they have become immuned to the special shampoos designed to kill them.


One of the easiest is castor oil! Coat your hair with it, cover it with a disposable shower cap and leave it on over night. In the morning, put shampoo on hair BEFORE you wet it!Wash it twice and the oil will be gone, along with the lice!!! Comb hair carefully to be sure there aren't any left too! Vaseline also works (they use on dogs for fleas), and I've even heard MAYO!

It should be as simple as going to the store and buying lice shampoo! However, unless you clean all the rest of your stuff, you will just catch them again. Boil hairbrushes, hairties, etc, wash ALL clothes and cloth/cloth-like objects, if things can't be washed or cleaned, they need to be bagged and opened again in 10 days. It's a good idea to wipe off plastic/non-cloth objects as well, just to be safe. If she keeps catching it from other people, then be sure she's not sharing hairbrushes or hats with friends or people at school. It's all about prevention!

Rid does work and so do other over the counter products as long as you follow directions. Once you've treated your head, you MUST thoroughly clean anything you've used. Wash in hot water all hair brushes and accessories, linens, pillows, clothing and so on. Vacuum extensively couches, chairs, flooring. You also may need to clean the upholstery. Repeat if necessary. It's a lot of work, but is the best way to stop those critters cold.

Head lice are extremely difficult to get rid of. The shampoos that claim to work don't really work. You can use one of the shampoos you can get at your pharmacy and you will kill MOST of the lice, but never all.
What I used was Tea Tree Oil and I used it every day. You must comb out the hair and remove the eggs etc. You can use Tea Tree oil daily. The lice will not stay in hair that has this stuff in it.
The best way I have heard of applying this is to use the Tea Tree Oil on dry hair....soak the hair and then wrap the wet hair with a bag, so that there is no air getting to the hair. Wrap the hair in the bag, seal the bag as best you can around the head. Leave this on for about an hour. Shampoo out the oil with tea tree oil shampoo. Do this every day for everyone in the house. Comb the hair with the special nit-comb you need to buy. The longer the hair, the more difficult it is to get rid of them.
You should wash ALL the laundry in the house including pillows and pillow cases.
It is a total pain, but if you use the tea tree oil shampoo and oil on EVERYONE's head in the house, do the bag thing with it, do it for 2 weeks daily, you SHOULD have success.....

Gamma radiation pwns lice.

You can buy uranium ore here:

In her case all the precautions had all failed without success, she can try prescription pills by the doctor before she shaves her hair and wear a wig. I cann't give you the name of the drug. I don't want to get sue. No cracking. Take the drug after meal, important not before.

if she has sprayed and cleandee all cloth items and treated her hair and eveyrone ithe family time to call a dr. some have hard to treat hair and a rx is needed. i would also call the health dept for help.

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