How do you get rid of skin tags?!

Question: My doctor won't do it, they said it's not covered by insurance because it's cosmetic.

Answers: My doctor won't do it, they said it's not covered by insurance because it's cosmetic.

I have removed skin tags often by the guillotine method! It often requires an extra pair of hands, so draft a friend. Wipe the area with alcohol, after washing your hands. Get out a piece of waxed (unflavored) dental floss. Tie it around the base of the tag--this is tricky & may take multiple tries, but its important to get the floss around the base. When you have the floss placed, pull the ends tight (suddenly, but not too hard or it'll break & you have to start over). The little bugger will fly right off, & it won't hurt at all. Wipe the area with alcohol again,& put on a bandaid. Keep vaseline on the spot to keep the scab soft. In a week, its like it never happened. Obviously this isn't the way to go if its a big tag, or has a thick base, but the average tags its fine. i used to do it for other CNA's at work!!!!

I have had a skin tag but i got it froze off. Theres no other way to do it unless you cutt deep into your skin, which I dont recomend. Just dont pick at it and leave it be.

If you put wart cream on it it will dry up and fall off. It might hurt a little bit

they will usually come off by themselves but you can have them cut off, too

you really need to have the skin doctor do it and just pay for it, then. Please don't try to remove them yourself because you could get an infection. If you pull at them they bleed like crazy and usually just grown back anyway.

My grandfather used to use CamphoPhenique for EVERYthing no matter what it was. He swore it cured every human ailment, so you could try putting that on. Who know? Maybe Grandpa was right, and it can't hurt you.

If they get bothered enough, they'll fall off by themselves. Otherwise, your doc should be able to do it as long as you pay for it.

Otherwise you can tie some thread around it and clip it off. It's pretty much like a doc would do. Gonna hurt a little, but it shouldn't be bad. Then keep it clean and it'll be away forever in that spot.

itll hurt but it works
get a bit or string/cotton
and tie it tightly around the skin tag
then leave it itll cut the blood supply off n the skin tag will fall off

They are a sign or high cholesterol.

I simply numb them with ice, and cut them myself, if they are very tiny and then apply pressure.

If they are larger, I leave them alone and sometimes they go away and other times they don't.

I had a skin tag before and I just tied a thread to it. A few minutes after it fell off and it never grew back. You might want to try that but be sure your hands and the thread you're gonna use are clean.

cryogenics -your doctor can do it even if the insurance doesn't cover. docs love patients who pay cash.

Aren't they problematic. There are several options for you: if they are in a problematic area i.e. an area that is shaven, hits a waist or bra line or continually (or may) rub against other body or clothing, it is no longer cosmetic as long as you show up with them looking "inflammed, red or bleeding". It's not really too hard to pull off. You could also try the over-the-counter cryo therapy (wart freezing agents). You can cut them flush with skin, this requires some skill to avoid infection. Many people use those small curved cuticle cutters but keep them clean and the area being treated (apply some bacitracin afterwards). Good luck and I hope this helps you!

wait for a month or so and say they are becoming painful and they have to take them off... my friend did it....

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